Fall 2013 Transfer Thread - Engineering Edition

<p>I called pete department today and they made the decisions and they are being sent to the dean</p>

<p>Wow, I got accepted as 2nd choice (CivilE). Went to step 4 on AIS, no new tabs on howdy, but financial aid portal updated. Only around $2200 pell grant per semester and $6700 loan.</p>

<p>I’m sticking with PetE at Texas Tech though.</p>

<p>grats Sobe</p>

<p>Congrats sobe. Sobe what classes are you gonna take at tech for the first semester?</p>

<p>My first and second major are chemical engineering</p>

<p>Thanks. @lexx ME2301 statics, ME2322 thermo, Math3350, econ analysis, & PETR1305</p>

<p>Congrats Sobe! @lsutiger16, what are your stats? I was denied chemE because of a C…</p>

<p>Ty nivy. </p>

<p>2 new tabs today on howdy, and went to step 5, have til July 1 for decision and nsc. Dang I’m tempted to go A&M, but how hard is it to change within engr dept?. I’d hate to take a&m courses and deny switching major, end up having to transfer to tech and the credits won’t transfer cuz of different curriculum. If someone could find me the degree outline for civil at a&m or PetE major change policy, I would really appreciate it. Couldnt find it at TAMU.</p>

<p>[Changing</a> Majors | Academic Advisors & Procedures | Academics | College of Engineering](<a href=“http://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/advisors-procedures/changing-majors]Changing”>http://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/advisors-procedures/changing-majors)
This should help somewhat. As for degree outline
<a href=“https://www.civil.tamu.edu/downloads/ugradinfo/civil_engineering_curriculum_catalog_130.pdf[/url]”>https://www.civil.tamu.edu/downloads/ugradinfo/civil_engineering_curriculum_catalog_130.pdf&lt;/a&gt;
changing curriculum to PetE is very competitive…if you have a 4.0, you have a good chance…there were 75 applicants last fall for spring 2013 and apparently only 5 got selected…you could do a minor in petroleum engineering and then do a masters</p>

<p>@sobe we might see each other in econ analysis and diff eq, I’m taking civil engr statics since it’s easier and I’ve heard horror stories about thermo at tech… just a heads up!</p>

<p>A friend of mine who took themo at tech said the same thing…@Lookbehindyou</p>

<p>I think its one of the “weed out” classes, I talked with perez ( pete advisor) and he said thermo, dynamics and fluids are the hardest classes in our curriculum… that’s why I’m taking thermo right now at my pevious college… I had to fight with the mech e department in order to let then transfer it though…</p>

<p>Thanx for the heads up lookbehindyou. I got accepted to foundational. My understanding is once your out of foundational your in the program?</p>

<p>Well technically all you need is a 3.2 in your first semester to get in the program, but you need to complete the foundational plan to be allowed to take junior PETR classes</p>

<p>I checked my Howdy today, and my major is changed to Chemical Engineering… As a result, I will go to Texas Tech… I have not attend any orientations. Any suggestions for classes to take or housing ? I appreciate all your helps.</p>

<p>3.86 at LSU with only 28 hours but taking summer school at HCC</p>

<p>Ortega, didn’t you have a 4.0 with all CBK completed?</p>

<p>@lsutiger16, very impressive! I think you’ll get in. How many CBK’s at LSU have you completed? Also, are you a ChemE major there?</p>

<p>I don’t have physics or english but I’m doing english at HCC now. I’m a pete right now haha</p>

<p>My AIS went from step 3 to step 4 today. All it saids is to keep checking in the next couple of days for step 5. I go to student financial aid and no award is giving out yet. I’m not liking the feeling of this…</p>