Fall 2013 Transfer Thread

<p>you should be; i got accepted into CEEL on march 13</p>

<p>Error; I was replying a previous post. I got accepted to A&M, but what I am worried about now is their transfer scholarships. Has anyone received anything?</p>

<p>Is there anyone who hasnt heard back from tamu yet?</p>

<p>I am still on step 3… and it has not changed for a month…
My stat is 3.4 GPA
International transfer as political science.
Also, 26 hours that mostly followed degree tracks completed, and submitted essay A,B, and C, but no extra curriculum.</p>

<p>They told me a week ago that admission office sent my application last week, and liberal arts said that they are reviewing now and wait for 2 weeks more.</p>

<p>I hate to wait for long time…</p>

<p>@soleusa. Your profile looks good. Usually they take around two weeks to make a decision. Keep monitoring your howdy portal to see if those two tabs show up, my finances and records.</p>

<p>Good luck</p>

<p>@temiotu47 … my son had applied for the Terry Transfer Scholarship and today he got an email that he is no longer being considered. We were dissapointed but not totally suprised. At least they did get back to him so we don’t keep wondering.</p>

<p>@fullbacker, I didnt apply for the terry scholarship since I did not graduate from a texas high school. Has the financial aid office awarded any scholarships?</p>

<p>STILL waiting…</p>

<p>@Amyshe… If it makes you feel any better, I have not received anything as well. I submitted by transfer application on January 1 and it was processed the next day. I have a 3.56 GPA with 50 hours completed. I have all courses on the degree track completed as well as 200+ hours of community service completed. I literally filled up my application with as much good stuff as I could. I spoke with business admissions and according to the department, they are NOT filled up, there ARE still some spots left for transfer applicants so don’t give up hope. I have a friend who was not accepted into Mays until June. Good luck and keep us updated as will I.</p>

<p>@Jemmagie-Wow thank you for your post. I am losing my hope…and i’m growing very impatient. I didn’t submit my stuff until the week before the deadline. If you have all the courses completed then it looks like you are in good shape.</p>

<p>Well looks like the wait is over. This morning I logged on Howdy and My records and Finances showed up! So, I went to AIS and had been moved to step 5!! How do I know If I got the major I wanted?</p>

<p>@amyshe wow congratualtions!!</p>

<p>Mine is still under review…
Liberal arts department on May 3rd said that I should be heard decision within 2 weeks.
Therefore, Ii checked both howdy and ais today, but it was still on step 3
Also, no two new taps…
I called them, and they said that it takes more 2 weeks due to the end of semester.</p>

<p>I really hate to wait more time…<br>
Anyway, congrats</p>

<p>@soleusa Thank you! And hopefully you get a response soon. It took mine exactly a month and a half from the day everything was processed.</p>

<p>On howdy, my transfer audit report says transfer deny, but howdy still tells me I’m under review and on my AIS, it still says I’m on step 3, although the audit report was present about a week ago. Does this mean I am being considered for spring review? I assumed that if the report said denied then howdy would tell me that there are no pending applications and that I am not under review. Any help would be great! Oh BTW I have a 3.6 and I applied to Mays! I also had about 50 hours completed with 200+ hours of extra activities and volunteer services!</p>

<p>@jemaggie-my howdy didn’t update until a day after MY records and Finances tab showed up. My AIS updated with step five before under my manage(still said i was in review) updated. I’m not sure what yours mean though :confused: just keep waiting until AIS or howdy does something else. I don’t know how much they consider extra curricular activities. I had zero and I got in with 50 hours with a 3.74…into Mays</p>

<p>Jemaggie…just call the Aggieland PSC they can explain your status. (979) 458-0950</p>

<p>@Sandykeen, what are your stats? Congrats on getting in! I’ve applied to ChemE as my first choice, NukeE as my second. I turned in my grades yesterday for Spring review. The waiting game begins.</p>

<p>How competitive is transferring into the ChemE program?</p>

<p>@Isflynn, when I talked to the peer advisor, he told me that between a 3.0-3.5 is a good range to be competitive. However, a 3.5 above is preferred. No C’s in any CBK courses also.</p>

<p>I was refused admission to ChemE due to a C in my Phys I class. </p>

<p>I have a 3.43, 89 hours, active military, over 1000 hrs of Community service. </p>

<p>Accepted to Nuclear Engineering.</p>