<p>So I know it's still summer, and I know applicants of fall 2014 are still talking about their applications, but I just wanted to start this thread for rising seniors or anybody really that were getting ready to apply to FIT for 2015 fall!</p>
<p>This is for all majors applying to FIT and any current students or graduates can post with comments and information to guide us on our way!</p>
<p>I'm from Georgia, and I'm thinking of applying for the FMM major at FIT!</p>
<p>Thinking of applying to FIT to major in Graphic Design! </p>
<p>For FMM make sure you have excellent grades and an amazing essay just a tip</p>
<p>I’m thinking of applying for FMM.</p>
<p>As of now, I have a 2.3 GPA, took AP Chinese (5), AP Calc AB (3), AP Stats (coming Fall). I had an internship at a merchandising company for a month this summer. I took SCAD’s Intro to Fashion, Intro to Drawing course each for a week. I will work really hard next year so I can get to a 3.0 GPA or even higher. Are my chances of getting in nothing? Or should I still give it a try? </p>
<p>Good luck to all of you! If there’s anyone who was denied before I suggest doing one semester at a community college for the Fall, it helped me a lot. </p>
<p>Hi @cakebomb. Your GPA is low for FMM, but I think admissions would love to hear more about your art classes and internship. From the people I’ve met so far in the entering class, not many have had internships in high school. Definitely write a strong, passionate essay and have an english teacher proofread it. If there were any conflicts that caused a lower GPA, make sure you mention that as well. Do the best you can this year. If you are a strong math student, the chances are even better since merchandising is very number-based.</p>
<p>who’s applying for FMM or AMC ? And do you know what the exact differences are between them ?</p>
<p>FMM is all about business, buying management, product development, etc. AMC is not as fashion based. It’s about PR, advertising, etc. You should look at the FIT website for the classes and more info. You can see exactly what you would be studying so you can make an informed decision. </p>
<p>I’m applying for FMM in the fall! I have a 3.67 GPA, 3 Ap classes, and lots of experience in fashion. I also took 2 3 week classes at FIT over the summer (I’m from Kentucky) Anyone have an idea of what my chances are? Also good luck to everyone!!</p>
<p>applying for Fashion Design
<p>Waitlist es for fashion design one year program . does anyone know much about the Waitlist or my chances of being moved off of it? </p>