Fall 2017 App - US Armed Services

I was wondering if I could have a little bit of help on the UA application. This is my first college application, and I am a little unsure of what to put under the question “Are you or your parent/spouse a member of the US Armed Services?”. My father is retired from the Air Force, but I’m not sure if I should put this because it seems like the question is regarding active duty.

There are checkboxes for: (can select as many as applicable)

  1. Please identify yourself as:
  • Active Duty
  • Veteran
  • Reservist
  • Dependent
  • Spouse
  1. Which branch of the US Armed Services are you or your parent/spouse a member?
  • U.S. Army
  • U.S. Navy
  • U.S. Air Force
  • U.S. Marines
  • U.S. Coast Guard
  • U.S. Air National Guard (non-Alabama)
  • Alabama Air National Guard
  • U.S. Army National Guard (non-Alabama)
  • Alabama Army National Guard

Any insight into answering this question would be greatly appreciated! Also, I’m sorry if this is not the right forum to post this under.

Per #1: veteran is anyone who WAS in the armed forces (i.e., served in the military), so that applies to your parent. You are the dependent of someone who was a veteran, so check “dependent”. Per #2: once in a branch, you always associate with that branch, so check “US Air Force”.

BTW, you should search hi/lo for additional military scholarships. As a dependent of a veteran, you are entitled to apply to several. Use a search engine and clearinghouse (I like Niche for military).

If it is you applying then you would be the Dependent and Air Force. Are you planning on using a GI Bill?

Thank you so much for your responses! You really helped me make sense of this. Also, I do not receive the GI Bill as my dad retired a few months too early to transfer it to me.

I disagree with the above. Applicant is NOT a dependent. See linked thread for clarification.


@canadant: Are you sure of the wording of your original question? On the print/paper copy of the UA enrollment application is the following - it asks nothing about your parents/spouse, only about the APPLICANT. Perhaps the online application is different to the print version? (Or are you asking about the UA scholarship application?)

Are you a member of any of the following Armed Services*:
Army o Navy o Air Force o Marines o Coast Guard o
National Guard o Alabama National Guard o
If so, are you: Active Duty o Reservist o Veteran o
Dependent/Spouse o
*This information is being forwarded to UA’s Veteran Service Office to assist
with your possible matriculation/enrollment. The information will not be used
in making decisions about admissions, scholarships, or participation in
educational programs

when DD applied she marked dependent since her Dad was in the U.S. Army not her. He was also retired from active duty at the time of application. UA or VA had no issues with the application.