@“osazuwa ogbeide” If you think the grade strengthens your application I don’t see why not to add it; I updated my TAU March 19 at the request at UCSB so you may still have time
I agree with Mighty, if you think it will help go ahead but I don’t think winter grades were required-- if that’s what youre worried about
Does anyone on here know how hard it is to change majors after you are accepted to UCLA? I’m thinking about requesting a change of major if I am admitted, but I’m wondering how difficult that would be.
You’ll have to talk to a counselor when you get there-- I think you’ll have to have a good reason, and if it’s a change into an impacted major it’s unlikely they’ll allow it
REGENTS: Someone earlier said that invitations were sent out in February. I do not believe that is correct. Freshman invitations for UCB were sent out on 2/12, but transfers will not know until after they are admitted. For UCLA, based on what I read on last year’s thread, invitations were not sent out until AFTER admission decisions were made.
Does anyone have any other info?
I think the Feb is for freshman. As i recall it’s early April. You can seach earlier threads.
@lexluther96 I remember getting a Regents email before decisions were made; I think it was early April. Of course, I was ultimately rejected to UCLA that year, so yeah. Anyway, I just remember getting an email for Regents shortly before transfer decisions were released
@zettasyntax you got invited to apply and then rejected? I’ve heard of that happening but you’re the first I’ve read who’s actually experienced it. Sucks.
@lostar Haha right!? All my friends are annoyed with me too! I keep watching vlogs and such to kinda pretend like I go there already in my mind to distract me from waiting on the letter! Mostly sorority videos, haha. I can’t wait to rush! anybody thinking of joining greek life?
yeah haha. You kinda just have to get out of the house and away from computers to make the time go by faster! it’s hard though
@Ohm888 Yeah, what really sucks is that the following year I was accepted to UCLA, but no Regents invite that time. Guess getting my first B ruined it
@lexluther96 I asked the Financial Aid office, and thats what they told me. I also emphasized that I was asking about the transfer regents. Maybe I was misinformed.
Ucla and berkeley are probably gonna send out acceptance letters today and then say “jk april fools”
@lucidday Hi, nice to meet another Art History major… there are almost none of us.
I wouldn’t be too worried with the GPA. Art vs Art history are honestly super different disciplines with one being extremely competitive and the other not so much. Art history seems like it would be way less competitive to get in. Good luck to you !
Here are my stats too, as I’ll be in the competition pool against you (Art History) heheh
GPA: (with TAU) 3.94
Major GPA: 4.0
Prereqs: done
IGETC: Spring 16
Units: yeah
Applied to: UCI, UCSC, UCLA, UCB
Admitted: UCI
Waiting on the 28th with anticipation! Are you part of the TAP/Honors?
@InTheNightSky95 I received a regents scholarship invite last year on April 13th.
@andrewjchang that was when they notified freshmen, they don’t notify transfer students until a week before all UCLA decisions are sent out.
@lexluther96 UCLA sends regents invitations for transfer students out a week before they send out all transfer decisions, I received a regents invitation last year a week before all admissions notifications were sent out.
@lovelyyliz thanks!
Thank you, so theres still hope for me haha.
@ericpanda999 Nice to meet another Art History major. Good luck!!
Art admission is crazy in comparison to art history (2-8% to 51%), but the pool of vis. art applicants is also somewhat larger. Kind of glad I’m not in the insanity of portfolio submissions and waiting 'til late May-July for decisions this year.
My CCC is not a part of TAP and Your school?
How are your ECs?