@lovelyyliz Thank you for the info!

When are the decisions coming out?!!! I can’t wait omgggg, hopefully next week.

I believe they will be coming out on April 21st!

21st likely around 5 pm

Lol right before finals week. Classsssic

My finals week is in June lol

Is there any linguistics&psychology major who got accepted or applied this year or last year?

quick update for any TFT majors: we were supposed to get our answers “early April” but according to the latest update from the office claims that we will have to wait another 1-2 weeks :’( We will be notified via email on our status applications all at the same time. Good luck! :slight_smile:

@caliguy925 omg that feels like decades away. I will die from anxiety overload if I have to wait that long. :open_mouth:

@TransfertoUCLA hey! I’ve been lurking on this thread for a while now, and you’re the first linguistics&psych major I’ve seen on here! I sent in an app this year and haven’t heard back from ucla yet

@MiniGrace11 Darn, I hoped the torture was coming to an end!

Any art or desma transfer applicants here?

I dropped a class and now I’m unbelievably scared. Those who have been accepted in the past, did any of y’all take an Honors Enrichment Studies course? And do you know if UCLA accepts those credits? Cause I know UCSB doesn’t, they just emailed me :-SS My counselor did say UCLA usually accepts those credits, but has anyone taken it and had it accepted for sure? X_X

@LynAmmo does your schools course catalog or your transcript show the course as UC transferrable? Was it something unique to the Honors Program or an actual class? When you updated your TAU did you include it with your other classes?

@LynAmmo were you including that course as part of the 15 honors units needed for the UCLA TAP program?

@ald6191 Yeah! Do you know if UCLA counts it as transferable?

How can I qualify for UCLA TAP Certification and UC Irvine Preference Status?

Engage in a minimum two semesters of active participation in the Honors Scholar Program at MiraCosta College, maintaining all behaviors required of active HSP students
Maintain a minimum 3.50 cumulative Degree Applicable GPA in all college coursework
Complete five Honors courses (amounting to at least 15 units) with a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or better in Honors coursework
Some Honors courses from other colleges may be counted upon request and verification
Up to two Honors courses may be taken as Pass/No Pass option
Up to three Honors courses may be completed as Honors Contracts

@LynAmmo i would certainly contact a school rep as it appears at least at my CCC one must complete 15 units of classes designated as Honors courses. I took 2 , but could not make anymore fit within my major or schedule. The TAP program gives priority consideration not guaranteed enrollment (but dont quote me on that)

I’m sure this is an overasked question, but how much does TAP help? I understand that it’s not a guarantee, but are there any vague-ish percentages or statistics which shows how much TAP helps?
I’m pretty sure I have TAP but… (my school only sends out emails if you don’t have TAP and not a confirmation which I find kind of weird… haha)

@lebelle90 A bunch of things are named TAP, but aren’t actually UCLA’s Transfer Alliance Program. How they advertised it at my school is it bumps you from a 20% chance of getting in to a 70 - 80% chance of getting in. Also the bonus of being considered for an alternate major. If someone didn’t have TAP they would have just been rejected, with TAP your alternate major is considered.