@“osazuwa ogbeide” Yeah, but if they’re going by the update in March I would only have 59 units because I made a mistake. There’s no getting around it even if I’m a good candidate. I added a 3 unit class and notified them through the portal on April 5th. If they didn’t see it through the portal then I’m screwed.

@LynAmmo Why do you think that??

@lexluther96 Because based on what they see I only have 59 units. I added a 3 unit course and updated it through the portal on April 5th which would put me at 62 units. If they don’t get that update then I’m for sure denied.

@LynAmmo you should be good I had sixty units and I was missing few perquisites and I still got accepted to uc Davis uc Irvine ucsb with a 3.1

@LynAmmo I’ve heard that 59 is close enough to 60 units. I think you’ll be fine. Call the school and ask if that’ll hurt your app. I think you’ll be okay as long as your app was strong otherwise

@“osazuwa ogbeide” Yeah, but you had the 60 units. That’s the minimum. UCSB already messaged me and said they were going to take back my acceptance if I didn’t add another class, so that indicates that the honors HEP 201 doesn’t transfer.

@LynAmmo Oh shoot. Directly email the schools about your situation ASAP, and submit a letter via the UC doc thing. Call if you have to. Make sure they know!

@lexluther96 Hopefully. I have a 3.94 applying as an Anthropology major. I just made a miscalculation and dropped a class. I quickly added one to take its place. I just hope they see it. :((

@lexluther96 I emailed UCLA and UCB through the portal. Is that what you mean by email them? And what’s the UC Doc thing???

@LynAmmo Ugh I actually did the same thing last year and ended up having to rescind my apps :frowning: Good luck!!! :confused:

you can send them an email with a document that they’ll send to all of the campuses you’ve applied to. I’m at work right now so I can’t look it up. Google it

@“osazuwa ogbeide” Im from around Elk Grove so UCD is too close to me. I tagged there but it’s probably my fifth choice!

@lexluther96 I’ll just wait till you’re off work because I’m trying to look for it and I can’t find it, but thank you for your help so far!

@LynAmmo docs@applyucsupport.net

write the update in a separate document and attach it to the email

include your full name, UC ID, date of birth, and say that you want to update the UCs about something

Let me know if you have more questions. I kind of rushed through that

Just curious, but even if you don’t make the minimum 60 units requirement, if you have APs, they can cover for you, right?

@lebelle90 No, they won’t count AP credits

@lexluther96 Ok, I sent it. Hopefully it’s not too late. Thank you!

@lexluther96 I contacted the UC people and when I explained my situation they said it was fine??
I was to report my AP grades later and they would count towards my units required.

@lebelle90 How weird. I was told the opposite about my IB scores. They’ll count as units as soon as I enroll, but they’re not supposed to count towards the 60 at the cc. I feel like the policies for AP and IB would be the same

They count as units. They just don’t affect the UC unit maximums to transfer.