@juliamarie15 He ended up dropping after he’d been accepted. I think he was assigned a UCB counselor, and she approved of the drop. If your date isn’t until May (SUPER lucky btw, mine was like Feb 3rd), then stay in it and ask after you’ve received your decision. If they say no, then you’ll get a C and take a hit to your GPA, but you’ll still have your acceptance; and if they say yes, well then you can drop it without consequence!

When do regents invites go out? I think it’s the 14th

Also, what does that application entail? Another essay?

@lexluther96 from what i’ve heard, there’s an essay and i think a letter of recommendation is required as well. (i may be incorrect)

anyone know where the UCSD thread is? can the mods please move it to the UC Transfer section?

@otoribashi here it is http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-san-diego/1947836-ucsd-fall-2017-transfer-thread-p32.html
I guess you’ll have to ask them about moving it


How long til the trick works? A week before decisions come out, a couple of days?

what are the signs on whether you get accepted our not. I remember for ucla appeal decision that if you didn’t get a response back the first week weeks of appeal then your appeal was denied. Is it the same for admission decisions that when they dont ask you for winter grades if your gpa not high they denied you. I read on this thread that ucla requested winter grades from someone on this thread through email

I would like to know as well.
I was never requested winter grades, but, um, I also never took winter courses and reported that I wasn’t planning on taking any anyways.

I doubt the winter grades thing because you could enter grades till March 31st. Winter grades would’ve been available at that point.

For people who applied last year, do you know when they started reviewing applications? I sent an application update about a class I joined on the 5th of April through the portal. Do you know if they are still accepting information regarding grades or if they will at least see it before making their decision?

@LynAmmo They don’t guarantee that they’ll review any updates that aren’t sent by January 31st, but that there’s a good chance that they’ll see it if you send it in February. It starts to get sketchier as the months progress, and I think there’s very little chance that they’ll have access to it if it’s sent past March 31st because that’s also the cut off for the TAU.

Less that two weeks right?

@fcb1010 decisions come out April 21 at 5:00 pm I applied fall 2015 snd we received my decisions on April 21 2016 unless ucla changed it this year which I dont think is the case. s Berkeley is on the 28 of April so it will make sense for ucla to be on the 21 April

Okay thanks I’m accepted at UCSB and UCSC already so at least I have somewhere to go but nevertheless UCLA is my top choice!

@fcb1010 no problem it the same with me ucla has always been my top school in California as long as could remember since I had two cousins attend there I liked it. Im coming from uc Davis as a uc to uc transfer this time so will see how it goes I’m pretty anxious since I’m applying as African American studies with a minor in ancient near east as compared to sociology with I applied fall 2015

Yup. Did you not like UCD?

@lexluther96 then I’m anticipating a rejection if they don’t see my update. See you guys on the appeal thread :((

@fcb1010 I dont like uc Davis the resources for the amount of tuition I pay is not as strong especially being a sociology major with allot of writing and reading. The tutors at the academic writing support are not as passionate to help you they only do spell check and that it . I understand that they cant write your paper but there just not as helpful and serious to help you develop your writing skills. Im also a minority black male so that also makes a difference in my education experience not saying that should hinder my successful but that also plays a role as much people telll me it doesn’t. overall dorm life is good but the food here get old quick especially eating at uc Davis dining hall. If I could go back I would have choose Irvine. Davis is a commuter school to me since I live about an hour from the Bay Area

@LynAmmo I wouldn’t say your rejected we can never tell. It possible they wanted to give that applicant a chance who was on the borderline a chance at admission if the applicant had improved his grades even more. Ucla stated they would email if they need more information. IF you gpa high likes 3.4 they might give that person a chance admission if they improve there grades