Fall 2023 Perspectives on Pomona (POP)Virtua Session

My daughter received an email today which said: Congratulations! You’ve been selected for the Virtual Fall Perspectives on Pomona (POP) program. Registration goes live on October 5th and Pomona is offering 2 virtual sessions: Thurs Oct 19th and Saturday October 21st.

Is this prestigious? Not very familiar with POP and wondering if this is sent to tons of kids or something we should pay attention to seriously. She is a science kid, will likely apply Neuroscience, Bioinformatics or Bioengineering. Thanks for any and all input!

If she’s interested in POP, I’d encourage her to do it. My D did it last year and was, ultimately, admitted RD. She was then flown out in April and had a sort of extended admitted student weekend experience. While she didn’t ultimately choose Pomona, her experience with POP made it very hard to turn down - she (and we) felt Pomona was a very special place.

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