<p>My son is a freshman and is thinking about coming home (Boston) for fall break which is October 13 to 16. Do most kids leave campus? He wants to come home but doesn't want to miss too much on campus.</p>
<p>yeah a lot of kids do go home..esp those that are in-state. there won't be much going on campus during fall break, except maybe some midterm-studying</p>
<p>I flew out to UofM 4 years ago to visit my daughter during study break. I thought the campus was unsually quiet that weekend. My son, who's now a freshman at UofM, is flying home. I don't think your son will miss too much. If he's flying home, make sure he knows about the Airbus for inexpensive transportation to/from the airport.</p>
<p>Is there a problem going home for fall study break with not having access to University resources or your peers (study groups)?</p>
<p>I live in Michigan and I might head home for Fall Break. There's generally nothing going on and people who stay might organize a study group for their respective classes, but doubt it's anything BIG</p>
<p>I'm out of state, so going home is a big hassle for me. I didn't go home last year and it was really nice because campus was quiet and I got a lot of work done. I highly recommend it.</p>