Fall of 2016 postponed thread

Since there seems to be 2 or 3 different threads in regards to postponed chances, thought I would try to start one main thread for students who have received postponed notifications from UW.

My son got a postponed notification 3 weeks ago. The original letter that was posted in “My UW” student center stated that an email would be sent in January telling him how to send his first semester grades. Now, I see that they have changed the letter to state that the email will be sent out in February. Anyone else notice this?

My son’s email also referenced February. He was postponed on 1/13 (OOS notification).

I was postponed on 12/18, and it said January, then now it said february.

To correct post #1, the date of the notification should read 1/31.

@msd228 , I posted this in a couple of other threads but just in case you did not notice…In the MyUW portal, in the student section, your son should have received a notification about posting 1st semester or trimester grades with instructions and a link. This notification was posted in the student center on Friday.

@BrewCrew82: Thanks. I got right on that when you posted about it and have given them the info on the (excellent!) first semester grades. I am concerned that all of the spots for the You: UW Day (or whatever the super secret admitted student event is called) will be taken by the time we find out. I am working on a visit schedule for all of the other schools during my son’s Spring Break. By the time UW decides he may have ruled them out based on the other visits.

@GabGirl I think you must be mistaken about something, I know enough about the UW admissions process to say that if you postponed in December, there is no way they would have told you that you would get a final answer in January. Their second notification material receipt deadline didn’t even close until February 16th (and then they need time to review it all). You must have misunderstood something.

However- it is rolling admissions so UW can notify applicants at any time.

@wis75 I stand by my statement that they would never have told an applicant that was postponed in December (as part of first fall notification) she would have a definitive answer in January, before the 2nd fall notification application deadline. This has nothing to do with “rolling admissions” and contradicts what UW Madison itself says.

I mean no offense, but you are very casual with your claims on these threads, and are misleading kids by presenting them like facts when they are not, “You have a 50/50 chance to get in,” “UW can notify [postponed] applicants at any time”: Those are both very clearly NOT true.

I thought this explanation of “postponed” might be helpful to others in this situation. It comes from our high school’s college counselor.
“Postponed simply means that they are waiting to make a decision (meaning they want to see grades from first semester and any other relevant information). He will be notified in late March. It is much better to be postponed over waitlisted. Waitlisted applicants have to wait until June after decisions have been finalized to see if there any seats.”

I received this response in reply to some (apparently) contradictory information that a friend received while on a recent campus visit. She reported that waitlisted applicants will be offered a spot if one opens up but postponed is worse, leaving the applicant in a kind of limbo.

I think postponed is basically those students from the 1st wave which are all who applied for early action and who got postponed will now be compared with the next wave of students (ones who applied for RD). Also, I am from India and I have no other grades to submit except for the ones I receive in may-june as I already submitted my grades from my first semester(before the deadline).

I stand by my 50-50 chances. Students are looking for someone to tell them what they want to hear. No one on this forum can give true odds. Also- the odds are 100% being in or 100% being out so the odds are immaterial. Get a life, kids.

Rolling admissions means UW does NOT need to conform to anyone’s ideas of giving out acceptances in any fashion. There will potentially be postponed students who applied later than Nov 1st- nothing in the rules says otherwise. Too many are trying to give definitive answers when there are none

Relax applicants. The very few of you who are obsessing on this forum need to spend your time enjoying your final year of HS and childhood doing other things. Nothing on this forum will change anything.

Including you @wis75. You continue to tell postponed applicants that they have a 50-50 chance of getting in without any real evidence to back that up. Then you want to re-define what 50-50 means. By definition, that would mean that half (50%) of postponed students are admitted and half are not.

This is good advice and should have been your original suggestion when asked about odds of getting in when postponed, not some made-up 50/50 response.

STOP being so precise. Commonly 50-50 means may/may not, a shrug of the shoulders. People- DO NOT EXPECT the answers you are looking for. They don’t exist.

No one has been waitlisted yet.

Waitlisting occurs sometime after March 31.

Ok, I’ll try one last time. @wis75

May or may not could mean 20/80, 35/65, 81/19, etc. 50/50 means 50/50 (and is pretty precise!). So, unless you have some inside knowledge that half of postponed students get accepted and half do not, you should not be telling people they have a 50/50 chance of getting in.

Okay- chances are useless. Give up on asking for them. btw- chances threads are among the most annoying per the Parents’ site thread.