Postponed people

<p>Hii, has anyone that has been postponed heard back yet? It says we will know by March 15th so i was hoping to hear earlier but haven't heard anything yet</p>

<p>Still waiting…</p>

<p>My best friend is still waiting as well…check with the admissions office if you can.</p>

<p>I’m still waiting as well…ANXIOUSLY!</p>

<p>postponed decisions will be out close to the march 15 deadline. last year notifications started coming out march 13. </p>

<p>i was in this place last year so i know how anxious you guys are and how hard it is to think about anything else aside from getting into UW. you’ll all find out soon enough though. :slight_smile: i recommend not checking your application status any more until the second week in march (it’s so tempting, i know) otherwise you’ll become a nervous wreck until you find out. good luck everyone!</p>

<p>I have a question. I’m SUPER nervous because I submitted my mid-year grades, and then I checked them today, and the ‘submit’ button was still there on the mid-year grades section. Is this normal or should I call tomorrow?</p>

<p>Call tomorrow</p>

<p>I don’t think it’s anything to worry about but I’d call just in case. It took a little over two weeks for UW to process my mid-year grades. It’s better to be safe than sorry but I’ll bet they just haven’t been put into the system yet.</p>

<p>The submit button remains after grades are submitted, but if you look above the grades by “status” it should say “submitted.” At least that’s what happened to my daughter’s status. It is odd that the status button remains, but I think they are submitted if the status says submitted.</p>