Fall Off-Campus Housing (2-2)

<p>Hey everyone, I am looking for a roommate for fall semester and I have a quiet place to live. Move-in date is August 12th. This place is under 4 miles to FSU, there's a bus location nearby. I know this is last minute, but my supposed-roommate pulled off on me the very last minute.</p>

<p>A little bit about myself: I am an Asian male. I believe in education and individual rights. I don't smoke or drink - nor do I plan to. I listen to all kinds of music: foreign, classical, jazz, pop, rock sometimes, and rarely rap. Movies that I enjoy: Inception, Joy Luck Club, The Dark Knight, and Tron Legacy. I am not biased towards any race, gender, or orientation. Feel free to contact me at garydoan121992@gmail .com for more info.</p>

<p>Here is the estimated breakdown for the fall semester. (I will give you the website of this place for more info when you email me)
Type: 2-2
1. Utilities/water: $150
2. Internet: $50
3. Sewerage: Free
4. Rent rate: $665</p>

<p>Total: $865
Each person pays: $433/month (ESTIMATED)</p>

<p>Each person has his/her own bathroom & bedroom. Washer and dryer are inside the apartment.</p>

<p>My preferences: I am trying my best to look for a roommate who isn't a smoker and/or drinker. Like I said above, you can be of any race, gender, or orientation. My parents would like to see someone who is mature, modest, and upright. One thing you should know about me is that I am open to opinions. Unfortunately, all of my friends from high school, who are going to FSU, are living on-campus. My lease has been set for almost 2 months, but here I am looking for a roommate again. Life huh?
Thank you for your time.</p>

<p>What complex is it located in? I’m a 19 year old female, but one room apartments are either complete dumps or too expensive. I don’t smoke or drink, quiet, and I’m a junior transfer majoring in Asian Studies.</p>