Family Weekend

<p>Anyone going? We're leaving Thursday after S3 gets out of school. S1 can't make it with his class schedule, but Grandma and Papa are already packed!</p>

<p>Take some bathing suits and some tennis racquet's and some sun tan lotion.</p>

<p>We can't go - too close to the day we are moving. But we had already decided that we'd do a visit in the winter instead, as family weekend was too close to the Jewish holidays and it is a long trip for us, from the Pacific NW to Miami. S is fine with that. </p>

<p>Nice that you are bringing the grandparents. My mom accompanied us to Grinnell for that first family weekend, and my D was so happy she came.</p>

<p>we're going down on Thursday - looking forward to the weekend!</p>

<p>Have fun! We'll be leaving Thursday too, but sadly heading in the wrong direction. Looking forward to your stories when you return! :)</p>

<p>A winter visit sounds great, especially since it is almost always winter in NH! Fortunately for us the timimg of this weekend works. S3 plays Ice Hockey from Nov-March so it is hard for us to get away in the winter. Then there is the football game-S3 has been in intense talks with S2 about what jersey he should get (color, #, size). I think world peace could be negotiated more easily.:rolleyes:</p>

<p>We'll be heading down on Thursday too! I am so excited about seeing D playing at the Orange Bowl on Sat. that we bought a new camcorder :)(that's playing sax... not football!). H and I have our orange shirts ready to go.</p>

<p>D just asked if we wanted to go airboating on Sunday...sounds like fun!</p>

<p>airboating? sounds intriguing...where do they do that? </p>

<p>is anyone going to the "events" on Friday?</p>

<p>We're going to try to do a few of the Friday events-luncheon, b-b-q and possibly Second City. S has classes most of the day, so in the afternoon I think we are going to tour the campus and show the grandparents around. S's "she's just a good friend" ;) is coming with us and we want to get her on a formal tour and info session as she will be applying this year. I don't know if the GPs would keep up with the formal tour (maybe), so we may send her on her own or maybe have S3 go with her and then take a slower pace.</p>

<p>We were also thinking of some sort of boat outing on Sunday-maybe a sight-seeing cruise around Miami. I think they leave from Bayside Market. I have to talk to S and come up with a plan. </p>

<p>CT-I'll be looking for a girl sax player!</p>

<p>My-3: Look for the sax player at the very top of the "e" when they make their cursive "Canes" on the field!!:p</p>

<p>The airboating trip is in the everglades, and I believe its been organized by the band - but we've been having cell phone problems (got caught in a sudden Miami rainstorm!!) so who knows what she actually said :)</p>

<p>hopefully the weather will hold up for the weekend, according to the Herald today, they expect heavy rain and wind through Saturday! :(</p>

<p>Oh no, that doesn't sound good.</p>

<p>It poured when we did family weekend at Grinnell. Hard on the sporting events but we all still had a great time. If I wasn't so busy with our move and the Jewish holidays I'd be sooo jealous! But I don't have time to be jealous. I don't even have time to be reading this! Have fun!</p>

<p>BTW, S said that lots of kids are sick - mono and bronchitis. He was on the way to the health center himself. I hope your kiddos are healthy.</p>

<p>I'd be curious as to your son's comments about the health center. mine is sick too (just congested so far), but didn't seem enthusiastic when I suggested the health center...</p>

<p>Mine went to the Health Center earlier this week-diagnosis strep. He went first thing in the morning and said he didn't wait long and left with penicillin in hand. They want him to go back for a recheck tomorrow since so many kids are coming down with mono on top of their illnesses. He sounded much better tonight now that the antibiotics have kicked in and the fever is gone.</p>

<p>This is his second visit to the HC. A few weeks ago he fainted in class and when he fell, his desk fell on top of him and crushed his hand. Prof took him right to the HC where they took one look at his hand and called campus security to drive him to Doctor's Hosp. They kept him 2 days and then after I got there, he had surgery to insert 2 pins in his thumb. He is still in the cast (2 more weeks) but doing fine. I told him that when I said I couldn't wait to get back down there, this was not what I meant. :rolleyes: </p>

<p>UM was wonderful throughout. The Residence Coordinator for Hecht alerted a social worker in the Dean of Students Office who coordinated info with profs, arranged tutors for missed classes and contacted Disabled Student Services so he could have note-takers for as long as he needed. All the profs worked with him to get him caught up. We were very pleased with the way UM handled it. We even received a phone call to see if there was anything else they could do. </p>

<p>All in all, we have been very happy with UM and S just loves it.</p>