<p>i wouldnt say extremeley liberal.. he's a staunch democrat, but he's no ralph nader.
And what do you mean to imply by saying he's a liberal? he's still one of the sharpest political minds around today, and even when i disagree with him (which is pretty rare, i admit) his columns still tend to be witty or funny.</p>
<p>Fu k uyama's the end of history theorist.. not end of the world..</p>
<p>Ugh, Francis Fu kuyama.
That said, whoever said both Rawls and Nozick were dead is correct, I think, and I'm pretty sure Nozick died first. I just like Rawls better, or something...</p>
<p>Edited, as apparently "Fu kuyama," when spelled without spaces, is a bad word.</p>
<p>barak obama at the university of chicago.</p>
<p>Andrew Jackson wins the award of the worst President ever. I mean c'mon the man was illiterate.</p>
<p>Krugman is a good writer and a good economist; I even enjoy reading his columns, but I disagree on a lot of issues with him.</p>
<p>*As a side note, my friends father is an economist and he disliked Krugman for his political views.</p>
<p>Jackson was AWESOME, he didn't take any lip from anyone, not even John Marshall</p>
<p>Krugman is fun to read if you agree with him, annoying if you don't</p>
<p>Jackson was pretty bad. lol His spoils system put all his redneck friends in the white house with him. However, he was a duelist and I respect that. lol</p>
<p>thethoughtprocess-aren't you forgetting The Trail of Tears?</p>
<p>I guess he didn't take any lip from the Cherokee either</p>
<p>Back on topic, Elie Wiesel is at BU (and I believe he does teach undergrads).</p>
<p>Are u serious? OMG I loved Night. I should've went to Boston U.</p>
<p>obama taught at chicago's law school, i believe, not undergrad, and he doesnt teach their anymore since being elected to the senate.</p>
<p>Michael Dukakis is at Northeastern University in Boston.</p>
<p>obama, at the very least, took the last year-and-a-half off. he did offically teach in the law school, but ugrads are all welcome to take classes in the ls if they want.</p>
While teaching at Northeastern, Dukakis also taught a class on "California Policy Issues" and "Bureaucracy and Public Management" at UCLA's School of Public Policy.</p>
<p>mike dukakis teaches pol sci at northeastern
donna brazile (al gore's campaign manager) teaches at Gtown</p>
<p>Dukakis is also on the faculty of UCLA's School of Public Policy. i've actually seen some of his talks advertised on campus.</p>
<p>some of these are really surprising. Michael Dukakis at UCLA????
anyway, i didn't read all these, but Alan Dershowitz at Harvard Law School(he wrote the book I received for my YALE book award) and Noam Chomsky at MIT are the only ones I know.</p>
<p>Nobody Says John Nash Was Crazy
He Was Amazing
You Should All Be Amazing Like John Nash</p>