Fashion journalism????

I was wondering if anyone knew of any fashion journalism undergraduate degrees offered in USA as well as UK? Even a magazine journalism degree would suffice! Thanks!</p>

<p>Check out BU</p>

<p>Other people have asked this question before, so I’m going to put what I wrote the last time!</p>

<p>Reiterating on what the others have said, you do not have to major in fashion or journalism to become a fashion writer. I’m interested in fashion journalism myself & I’m also a rising senior! My advice to you would be to gain as much knowledge about the industry as possible. Read blogs, read magazines, follow editors on twitter and/or tumblr. Try and write a lot, about fashion and about other things. If you want to you can start a blog, but I don’t see it as necessary. I would recommend taking art history classes in college because it can help you gain a more critical eye when it comes to the fashion industry. Even though I want to work in the fashion industry, I want a liberal arts education because I think it’s important to be a well-rounded and educated student. I also feel like it will help be become a better writer & critical thinker. Check out this Teen Vogue link (<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;), where different editors talk about what they’re majors were & most of them didn’t major in journalism. In college, I would say get involved in your college paper, or maybe your school will have a fashion magazine; get involved with that. And apply for internships!! If you go to college in NYC, try and get internships during the school year because competition for summer internships is tough & the more experience you have, the better. Some schools in NYC you could consider (depending on your stats) are Columbia, FIT, Parsons, Barnard, Pace, Eugene Lang, and Fordham. There are also many editors who didn’t go to school in NYC. Good luck!!</p>