Favorite Liberal Arts Class

<p>So, I have been looking at classes and have most figured out except liberal arts requirements (I'm engineering department). I was just wondering what has been your favorite class or the class you are looking forward to the most that would fulfill this requirment. And Why?</p>

<p>Son-math/comp sci/physics type- chose some Philosophy, you may enjoy the thought processing. Historically mathematicians have often been philosophers. Other courses I would recommend -was a Chemistry major eons ago- are Art History and Music Symphony courses for useful fine arts appreciation. I’m not sure where History of Science courses fit- if you can they are good. For literature try the Lit in Translation courses to get something outside the box. A Linguistics course or an Anthropology course may work (some courses are cross listed by those two departments). Look at the majors listing and consider something unlike any offered in HS. Have fun exploring something seemingly bizarre/totally unrelated/unnecessary. Consider a foreign language even if you have met those requirements.</p>

<p>Enjoyed art history of Europe and social history of Europe classes.</p>

<p>Nearly all American history classes are excellent. Particularly modern US. Also, really enjoyed music and american culture classes in Afro-Am.</p>

<p>So, I just signed up for the History of Science class (Hist Sci 203: Science in the 20th Century) It seemed interesting becasue it mixes histroy with philosophy. Anyone have any input on the class?</p>

<p>Only on the dept- it’s good.</p>

<p>If it’s the course I’m thinking of that is cross listed with Integrated Liberal Studies, I took it many many many years ago. It was large, but with break out sections. Not sure how they are running it now. </p>

<p>It is interdisciplinary by design. Essentially it’s a history class that looks at science, technology and philosophy at the same time so you can make the connections between the fields. I loved it. I remember the graduate student teaching assistants were out of control brilliant.</p>

<p>Is ILS as a whole excellent? I’m thinking of picking up a certificate in it.</p>

<p>It has been a while for me, but they were some of the most memorable and thoughful courses I had at UW Madison. Its a great way to get your core requirements satisfied in a unified and interdisciplinary manner. Moreover, the people who teach in ILS are great scholars, but believe strongly in teaching. I found there to be more interaction between students and professors in ILS than in many other courses. Have you looked at their website? </p>

<p>[Integrated</a> Liberal Studies](<a href=“http://ils.wisc.edu/]Integrated”>http://ils.wisc.edu/)</p>

<p>All right that’s five yes’s (two of my former profs, you, and my parents) to support my assumption.</p>