FBLA states--urgent need of advice, please help

<p>FBLA states are tomorrow and I originally signed up for it cause this is my second year in the club and i wanted to go to the next level so i'm already reserved for the hotel and everyhting</p>

<p>so this means missing two days of school and my apush and physics classes are doing ALOT in them and my apush teacher strongly discourages missing class
and if i miss any pop quizzes in apush, my grade drops because i wont be able to drop my lowest quiz average for this marking period (which is an F)--> all pop quiz avgs into 1/3 of final marking period</p>

<p>should i go?? how prestigious/important are fbla states? my ECs are kinda lacking and i was hoping to improve on them which was why i signed up in the first place</p>

<p>Just make them up when you get back. She can't fail you for the quizzes if you're not there.</p>

<p>im not allowed to make them up =&lt;/p>

<p>1/3 of my mp average will basically be a C</p>

<p>You are allowed to make them up, or at least you should be. Don't let the teacher push you around.</p>

<p>If you're gone with your FBLA club which is probably at your school, it is 'school business' and should be excused which should allow you to make it up.</p>

<p>I think your teacher is just making up rules so she doesn't have to give makeups.</p>

<p>i think these pop reading quizzes are more like an optional type thing</p>

<p>the more you take, the better, but they're nothing formal</p>

<p>and hes against fbla every year. basically if i hadnt gotten that F, me missing his class would be no big deal.</p>

<p>theres basically nothing i can do. i talked to him like a week in advance. but i just have no idea how big of an effect this would have on my final gpa. i got an A- first MP, solid B second mp for his class</p>