Whether or not to do FBLA

<p>Well this is going to be a complex post for a very simple question but I'm a FBLA member right now and I'm on the fence on whether I should participate in FBLA state or not. I may have the chance on placing top 3 and making it to nationals and have done FBLA for the past two years (i'm a rising junior) but it will take place around april 20th. I will have to miss 3 days of school which is a lot of make up work. The coming months I will have AP testing, SAT testing, SAT 2 testing, and Science Olympiad nationals. Obviously I need to do well on all of these and need to devote a lot of time to studying to all of these (especially the chemistry AP, I dont know anything haha). How big of an impact would a FBLA state place top 3 and possibly nationals look? I will probably run for FBLA VP or treasurer so it will probably help if I attend state. The only problem with attending FBLA is the make up school work I have to do which may be a problem when preparing for SATs and all that jazz. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>From my experience, you have a lot of free time at FBLA conferences to do your own thing. I remember my roommates spent their nights studying and doing homework. </p>

<p>It was really worthwhile and I wish I had gone to more conferences, so I think you should def go. If you have a chance to place in top 3, it’ll only benefit you! It’s also super fun and you get to meet tons of new people!!</p>

<p>So if I do it it’ll have a pretty good impact on the resume ? I enjoy learning it but I don’t want to mess up the SAT</p>

<p>Pretty good, especially if you’re going to into a business field and you win top something. It’s really a good experience. </p>

<p>Plus you mentioned you’re a rising junior. You have A LOT of time to re-take the SATs if your score is not what you want.</p>