<p>etudier 10, i said the metaphor also!!!it talked about the process but i thought that it kept relating it back to spaghetti so i said the metaphor…can anyone else confirm that?</p>
<p>I heard it’s better if you randomly guess. Like A,C,B,A,D,C…</p>
<p>It’s either you get really lucky or unlucky.</p>
<p>etuider- for that question i remember that there was one answer with a postive connotation all the others were negative or indifferent so she reacted positivley to the situation rite?</p>
<p>Coltssbowl - I put “good natured acceptance” for that question</p>
<p>yes she did, the acceptance choice was the most positive of the four answers.</p>
<p>I put the acceptance one. The other ones were too extreme, even the “indifference” one seemed a little on the cold side.</p>
<p>i put metaphor…definitely not the simile.</p>
<p>the question on the last passage:</p>
<p>A’s work was an extension of B’s work?
B’s work was the foundation for A?</p>
<p>does anyone remember the last four answers of the reading portion?
thanks a lot</p>
<p>foundation, i believe.</p>
<p>nooooooooooooooo i put extension</p>
<p>I said foundation as well.</p>
<p>What about the question asking about the scientist’s nickname “Mussel”</p>
<p>hmm. I think I put down his area of study. What were the answer choices?</p>
<p>I don’t remember. Does anyone else remember the answer choices?</p>
<p>I remember that one of the choices had something to do with his field of expertise.</p>
<p>I really don’t remember anymore,lol. I have no memory of the test questions now.</p>
<p>koreanboi, did you put foundation also?</p>
<p>I had foundation.</p>
<p>yeah, I put down foundations.</p>
<p>i put foundations.</p>
<p>to marlow: i bielive the correct answer was indifference.</p>
<p>I don’t remember one of the passages. Mossul glue, music, enrique… what was the fourth??</p>
<p>the fourth was about the stars, Kepler, astronomy</p>