Federal Tax return for international student?

Hi guys,

I am filling the CSS profile and now stuck at this part cause in Vietnam we have tax return but not federal :<<
Please help me :((
Btw sorry for my lack of knowledge

You need to compare the information on your national return with the information needed for the various lines on a US tax return, and then put those numbers into the spaces where they would go here.

so you mean I will submit my family’s tax return and then change our currency to US dollar?

a bit confused because it says federal, and this doesnt seem apply to our country

In the US, most states have income taxes in addition to the federal government’s income taxes. So most of us file both a federal tax return and a state tax return. For financial aid purposes, the information from the federal income tax return is what is required.

You will use the information from your own country’s tax return converted to US dollars at the exchange rate of the day for your financial aid application. Here is a link to the US federal 1040 form https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040.pdf Look for the line that the CSS profile refers to on the 1040. Then look at your parents’ tax return and do your best to figure out which line on that form is equivalent. Those numbers in US dollars are what you will put on the CSS profile.

thank you so much! Is there any way I can ask you more about the CSS profile? Tbh, I’m first person in my extended family doing this process and apparently doing it alone

I’m not an expert on the CSS Profie, but there are other parents here who are. When you have a new question, start a new thread. Make the title something like “I need help with ABCDXYZ in the CSS Profile” so that those people will notice it.

Wishing you all the best!!