Federal Work Study and Housing

<p>I haven’t gotten anything regarding federal work study. When do you begin to apply for jobs and how does it work??? Also, the I havent gotten the dorm I will be in, when will AU provide this info in just a month school starts</p>

<p>You apply for jobs by going to the [::HUMAN</a> RESOURCES - AMERICAN UNIVERSITY](<a href=“http://www1.hr.american.edu/fws.html]::HUMAN”>http://www1.hr.american.edu/fws.html) website – also check non FWS jobs and Housing/Dining jobs such as a Student Receptionist. You apply using a resume and sometimes cover-letter. Make sure you’re qualified by going into your AU student portal and checking ‘Financial Aid: Accept my Award Package’ under the finances tab.</p>

<p>To check on your housing click on the Life@AU Tab and click on your University Housing Assignment – that’s the only way they notify you.</p>