Federal Work Study

<p>Did anyone do any federal work study stuff at Tech? I mean what sort of jobs are there? I don't want to do jobs like cleaning, library stuff etc. I don't want to waste my time. But, I was wondering if there are any research positions that I can get. If not, I am going to cancel my work study.</p>

<p>Research positions aren’t available through work study. That’s undergraduate research and is normally not a paid position. </p>

<p>I don’t really know what qualifies as a work study or not, but I was a Software Developer for Virginia Tech and got paid $15 a hour through a work study. Not only did I get paid more than everyone else, but I got to choose my hours, didn’t have to come in when I had a major project/testing coming up, plus I got almost a full year of programming experience which looked good when I wanted to get an internship. When the money ran out, the school paid the rest. Pretty legit stuff. </p>

<p>To look for a work study job, go to <a href=“https://www.myinterfase.com/vt/Account/LogOn?ReturnUrl=%2Fvt%2Fstudent”>https://www.myinterfase.com/vt/Account/LogOn?ReturnUrl=%2Fvt%2Fstudent&lt;/a&gt; and login (instructions to sign up for the first time are on the website) , then hover over “jobs” in the gold bar at the top then click "Search for Work Study Jobs’', then look for a job. Not all of them are that bad. </p>

<p>@CloudyCloud‌ That is really cool! Did they have an interview or something. I mean what sort of work were you responsible for? If I accept my work study and decide not to do it because I wasn’t able to get the job that I wanted, is that ok if my parents are willing to cover that 1500 dollars or whatever?</p>

<p>Also, when did you apply? Like during the summer or what?</p>

<p>I did mostly web development. There were a couple times faculty members from different departments would need an extra programmer to work on a project and they’d come steal me. </p>

<p>The interview was easy but I did take CS 2114 and CS 2104 before the interview. I was asked to do a programming problem then solve a puzzle. I also showed two side projects that I was working on. </p>

<p>I applied in the Spring and I don’t know about accepting then cancelling. You’d have to speak to an administrator about that. </p>

<p>@CloudyCloud‌ Oh so you actually took both CS courses your fall semester? How hard is it to get an A in both courses? I guess your lucky because you were able to take CS 2XXX courses. I am in honors too; hopefully I will be able to take 2 CS courses (1 fall and 1 spring) as well. DId you also take CS courses your spring semester?</p>

<p>I’m about to be a Senior and I took 2114 and 2104 during the Spring semester of my Freshman year. I had the job interview around during the last couple weeks of that Spring semester, so I guess I wasn’t technically done but I was pretty much done. </p>

<p>Those two courses aren’t really difficult. 2104 is really more annoying than it is difficult. They just go over typical brain teasers and try to get you thinking like a Computer Scientist.</p>

<p>2114 is more difficult but still isn’t too bad. You go over basic data structures, basic algorithm analysis, basic sorting, and you do four projects. It’s all in Java and your projects are all Android apps. 2114 messes up some of the lazier CS students so I guess there is that, but you seem eager so I wouldn’t worry too much. I did have a friend take 2114 during first semester at Virginia Tech. If you don’t get it when you go to orientation, attend the first lecture and there will be some force-add forms for you to fill out. Some people get in that way. </p>

<p>@CloudyCloud‌ Would u recommend taking 2114 first or 2104 considering i am just transitioning to college.</p>

<p>2104 is a joke that a Freshman in high school can take. Take that whenever just to get it out the way. </p>

<p>2114 is fine if you’ve taken the class before and/or you’re confident in you’re basic CS skills. If you’re iffy about Java or haven’t done Java before, 2114 may be a bit too much. It’s all about your skill. </p>

<p>@CloudyCloud‌ Alright my priority is to take those 2 CS courses by the end of freshman year. I don’t want to over burden myself freshman year because I still have to get used to college. Starting from sophomore year, I will go ham. :smiley: I will also be taking honors version of linear and vector in fall and honors multi in spring. But, I am not sure if taking honors class is going to benefit me in any way other than finishing those requirements for honors diploma. I guess I am glad that I don’t have to take Chemistry due to AP credit; but, I will have to take physics. </p>