<p>Does anyone know if, for the fee waiver, just a letter from my guidance counselor would be fine? Or does it have to be the CollegeBoard one?</p>
<p>Letter is fine</p>
<p>(Source: my guidance counselor. I have been badgering her about this for ages; still not sure how it works, but she says she just sends in a letter and it’s done).</p>
<p>Thanks, blackjack18! Also, now I’m thinking of it, is it okay that I sent off my fee waiver separately by USPS while everything else I submitted online? This is probably a stupid question but I just wanted to make sure anyway =P</p>
<p>i’m pretty sure its okay :] thats what i m doing! (not that i’m always right…)
but thats what they said on this thread too
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/financial-aid-scholarships/627059-how-send-collegeboard-fee-waiver.html?highlight=waiver[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/financial-aid-scholarships/627059-how-send-collegeboard-fee-waiver.html?highlight=waiver</a></p>