Feedback from current La salle students/parents

<p>I am thinking of attending La Salle this fall as a nursing major. Does anyone have any experiences/feedback they can share about La Salle?
Any honest feedback regarding the safety of the campus and living on campus?
I have concern about the campus location. Do students have enough to do on campous on the weekends?</p>

<p>It is not safe. Kids get jumped all of the time. My sons roomate recently was jumped.</p>

<p>Again yabadabado, without saying the circumstances of what happened to your friend’s son or having any first hand experience yourself, it’s not really fair to have such drastic advice for people making this serious of a decision in their life. La Salle might actually be safer than any of the Philadelphia city schools. Penn, Temple, and Drexel are in more urbanized areas as well, but i wouldn’t tell anyone not to go to those schools. Try to be a little more tasteful in your comments please.</p>

<p>What do you have against La Salle University?</p>

<p>My d was accepted into the nursing program and she decided against it. Their nclex scores are around 70% and it’s tough to compete with U Penn, Drexel, Temple, and Jefferson for clinicals, so often students must travel to NJ for clinicals. Combine that with the area where you can’t leave campus alone, it is off the list.</p>