Feeling Discouraged

Going to school in Texas, if you get top 10% in your glass, you get automatic admission into any public university. I am not in top ten.
I honestly am saddened. I did not know of this freshman year, and now it is too late to fix. I am a few points for the minimum average required to obtain top 10. I am now approaching sophomore year.

Hey, it’s okay! It sounds like you have time to bring your grades up to that level.

In California, we have a similar program for the top 9%. The formula the state uses counts test scores really, really heavily. If you’ve just completed freshman year, I think it’s too early to determine if you’re top 10%. My freshman grades were absolute trash (read: not above 3.5) and my GPA right now is not by any means perfect, but it looks like I’ll be in the top 9% with my test scores factored in.

A lot can change in a couple of years. I completely emphasize with your frustration but I think that you have plenty of time to get your stats where you want them to be. I wish you well!

OK, so at the end of freshman year, it doesn’t look like “automatic admission.”

Not a big deal. Most of the country isn’t guaranteed automatic admission, yet still attend college.

You have plenty of time. Work hard. Do your best. Stop obsessing.

It’s important to realize more than 10% of students go to college. Because you are not auto admit, you will be competing for college admissions with alll the others who are not automatic. This means getting the best grades and test scores you can, participating in extracurricular activities, and writing good essays for your applications.

@newkidnewtrix, it is mathematically possible that the OP has put themselves out of the 10% and can’t make it back in if they did really poorly frosh year. OP, just because you aren’t guaranteed a spot doesn’t mean you won’t get into a state university. Maybe not UT-Austin or A&M, but start working hard going forward and get decent test scores to give yourself more choices.