Feeling stressed, anyone?

<p>With all those admission essays, more essays to write in school, and stuff like science projects, I'm kinda getting stressed...</p>

<p>Anyone else???
what do you do when you're feeling stressed out?</p>

<p>ahh YES i am stressed!</p>

<p>its my exam week (haha right now i’m switching back and forth between college confidential and microsoft word b/c i am typing up my chemistry exam study guide). Thankfully i have afternoon exams which gives me time to do some last minute studying in the morning, but i have SO much going on. </p>

<p>I’m handing in two of my recommendations today! I have a two more essays to write and a TON short answers to finish over christmas break. </p>

<p>What about you??</p>

<p>I can’t seem to get myself to write the essays! I did all the short answers, and got all my teacher’s recs, and I just want to be DONE! (but I’m not) whenever I sit down to wright I get no where. I can’t seem to get my essays over 150 words. any suggestions?</p>

<p>yup. leaving all essays and short answers till xmas break too…</p>

<p>except now I have this huge video project to work on during the break too, so that is NOT GOOD!!!</p>

<p>starz27, me too! I just wish that the page would magically fill with words… but when I sit down at my computer and start to type, my mind goes as blank as the screen in front of me…
I’ve got all the short answers done too, but in that case, they’re too long and I just can’t seem to cut them short!</p>

<p>im procastinating till last minute…not good, not good at all</p>

<p>haha…we’re a bunch of procrastinators :D</p>

<p>I have:
-all my essays
-all my short answers
-4 essays for AP Euro
-2 English Projects
-A practice math test
-studying for art history & making a study guide
to do.</p>

<p>Does anyone have more work to do than me so that I can feel better about the amount of workload I have?</p>

<p>hmm nope, its winter break for me…plus i go to a “ghetto” public school, so nopeee</p>

<p>i have a movie review to write, study for the SSAT’s, do all my essays, and thats pretty much it</p>

<p>Study for SSAT’s? How many times you gunna take it.</p>

<p>last time for january</p>

<p>Whats your highest score so far? You in 9th?</p>

<p>can you take the SSAT more than once in a year? and if so, does your score usually get better each time?</p>

<p>yes it does, your scores increase dramatically because you’re more comfortable during the test and you’re experienced. plus you know more than you did before, like now i know that i shouldnt fill out every answer because it hurts my scores. yep im in 9th, i got an 81% the second time with lots of studying. well, at least that puts me in the running, but im in the lower quartile of the applicants. ill probably improve in january by a couple percents</p>

<p>everyone’s done with SSAT’s yet?</p>

<p>I’ve got:
5 short answers
6 essays
3 really long pieces (music) to record
2 book reviews
1 huge video project
1 science lab
1 huge history presentation…</p>

<p>anyone beat me with more? :)</p>

<p>im done :smiley: …but i wasnt expecting my scores until dec. 31st so when i received them in the email, my winter break kind of went downhill…just kidding!!</p>

<p>I got 89th percentile…which everyone says is good, including my exeter admissions officer, but i dont know, i was hoping to get in the low 90’s or higher…</p>

<p>i’m applying for 11th grade…is my score decent? </p>

<p>& fudgenuckers…i forgot about the music/art recording stuff…i also have a ceramics portfolio and music to record :(</p>

<p>happyday21, which other schools are you applying to? I’m applying for 11th grade at Exeter like you, as well as Andover and Deerfield.</p>

<p>woah…competition :)</p>


<p>what’d u get on you SSAT/PSAT?
are you nervous?</p>

<p>ok…update on that message…</p>

<p>as of today, i am being forced to eliminate 4 SCHOOLS due to too many applications to do…my parents caught on to the fact that I have not started my apps so they’re making me.</p>

<p>which ones to eliminate?</p>

<p>&& which ones are U applying to?</p>

<p>Im applying to the top 4 on your list.</p>

<p>Eliminate the bottom four on the list. It’s interesting how you listed the schools in order of prestige ;-)</p>

<p>Well, happyday21, on the SSAT I scored 99th percentile overall (2334). On the PSAT I scored 99th percentile overall (210). And I used to be nervous but I recently realized that there was no point considering even if I do get into any of my schools I probably won’t be able to afford them anyway. I’m just going to give all my apps 200% as I have already been doing, and do everything I possibly can while I still have my apps. But when it come time to send them all in, I’m not going to be stressing. I will have done everything I could have.</p>

<p>Not gonna lie, though; come March 10th and I get letters of some kind from each of my schools, I’ll be SHAKING.</p>