
<p>are there going to be any more fees??</p>

<p>08/20/08 Admin Charge 21.00<br>
08/20/08 RH DBL MTHLY Install+Dining 1,067.00<br>
08/31/08 Physics Laboratory Fee 25.00<br>
08/25/08 Fall Qtr University Center Fee 76.50<br>
08/25/08 Fall Qtr Th Marshall Activ Fee 6.00<br>
08/25/08 Fall Qtr Registration Fee 288.00<br>
08/25/08 Fall Qtr Recreation Facil Fee 92.00<br>
08/25/08 Fall Qtr Education Fee 690.00<br>
08/25/08 Fall Qtr ICA Activity Fee 113.30<br>
08/25/08 Fall Qtr Campus Activity Fee 28.00 </p>

<p>is the education fee the fee for the actual classes?</p>

<p>my bill is:</p>

<p>09/09/08 UG HOUSING E-CHECK PREPAYMENT 650.00<br>
09/09/08 Admin Charge 21.00
09/09/08 RH SGL MTHLY Install+Dining 1,917.00
09/04/08 UG STU HLTH INS WAIVER 2008-09 283.00<br>
08/26/08 SIR Deposit ECheck 100.00<br>
08/26/08 Fall Qtr Warren Coll Activ Fee 7.00
08/26/08 Fall Qtr University Center Fee 76.50
08/26/08 Fall Qtr Registration Fee 288.00
08/26/08 Fall Qtr Recreation Facil Fee 92.00
08/26/08 Fa Qtr Mand Hlth Ins-USHIP 283.00
08/26/08 Fall Qtr Education Fee 2,088.00
08/26/08 Fall Qtr ICA Activity Fee 113.30
08/26/08 Fall Qtr Campus Activity Fee 28.00</p>

<p>08/28/08 Fall Qtr Warren Coll Activ Fee 7.00<br>
08/28/08 Fall Qtr University Center Fee 76.50<br>
08/28/08 Fall Qtr Registration Fee 288.00<br>
08/28/08 Fall Qtr Recreation Facil Fee 92.00<br>
08/28/08 Fall Qtr Education Fee 1,988.00<br>
08/28/08 Fall Qtr ICA Activity Fee 113.30<br>
08/28/08 Fall Qtr Campus Activity Fee 28.00 </p>

<p>Your total balance owed to UCSD is $2,592.80</p>

<p>Why is everyone's Education Fee different? Is it based on the number of units we're enrolled in?</p>

<p>If you got a scholarship then that is automatically deducted from the education fee.</p>

<p>what about orientation fees?</p>

<p>orientation fees are separate, i think.</p>

<p>my bill is looking like Kelly 94555's. I owe a total of a whopping $4000 by next month - and I thought I picked some sort of option to spread the cost out into the separate months, into installments. Does anybody have any idea how I can spread out the cost? I found out about TRIP and enrolled in it right away, but do you know where I can see those installments that are due? Or when TRIP kicks in and I can see my bill but divided by 3? My bank can in no way take a $4000 hit in one month.</p>

<p>your bank or your bank account?</p>

<p>bank account.</p>

<p>after signing up TRIP, my balance due on 10/3 is $2,115.60
Quarter: FALL<br>
Due: Oct 03<br>
Amount: $2,115.60 </p>

<p>From 8/14/2008 </p>

<p>Transaction Date Description Reference Number Payments/Credits Charges </p>


<p>09/12/08 Deferment of Registration Chrg 1,795.20<br>
09/12/08 Deferred Reg Pymt Plan Fee 30.00
09/09/08 Admin Charge 21.00
09/09/08 RH SGL MTHLY Install+Dining 1,917.00
09/04/08 UG STU HLTH INS WAIVER 2008-09 283.00<br>
08/26/08 SIR Deposit ECheck 100.00<br>
08/26/08 Fall Qtr Warren Coll Activ Fee 7.00
08/26/08 Fall Qtr University Center Fee 76.50
08/26/08 Fall Qtr Registration Fee 288.00
08/26/08 Fall Qtr Recreation Facil Fee 92.00
08/26/08 Fa Qtr Mand Hlth Ins-USHIP 283.00
08/26/08 Fall Qtr Education Fee 2,088.00
08/26/08 Fall Qtr ICA Activity Fee 113.30
08/26/08 Fall Qtr Campus Activity Fee 28.00</p>

<p><a href="https://tritonlink.ucsd.edu/portal/site/ucsd/menuitem.135225ab0c7ce3c0c0020010d34b01ca/?vgnextoid=bb69a78f2c741110a78f2c741110cdca5105RCRD%5B/url%5D"&gt;https://tritonlink.ucsd.edu/portal/site/ucsd/menuitem.135225ab0c7ce3c0c0020010d34b01ca/?vgnextoid=bb69a78f2c741110a78f2c741110cdca5105RCRD&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>how long did it take since you enrolled in TRIP for the bill to be shown in installments? I enrolled yesterday, and it still says $4000~. Is this on the same bill payment page?</p>

<p>For once in my life I'm glad I was raised dirt poor.</p>


<p>and yeah, from my understanding, TRIP should spread out the cost over 3 months.</p>