<p>Pardon me for being dense but why would the $650 deposit be credited towards the 2nd quarter’s housing charge instead of the current quarter’s bill?</p>
<p>08/29/09 UG HOUSING E-CHECK PREPAYMENT 650.00<br>
08/29/09 Admin Charge 21.00
08/29/09 APT TPL QTRLY Install+Dining 3,340.00<br>
08/25/09 Fall Qtr University Center Fee 76.50
08/25/09 Fall Qtr Sixth Col Activ Fee 10.00
08/25/09 Fall Qtr Registration Fee 300.00
08/25/09 Fall Qtr Recreation Facil Fee 92.00
08/25/09 Fa Qtr Mand Hlth Ins-USHIP 282.00
08/25/09 Fall Qtr Education Fee 2,296.00
08/25/09 Fall Qtr ICA Activity Fee 118.47
08/25/09 Fall Qtr Campus Activity Fee 47.82
08/13/09 Sum Ses Waive-Spec Programs 692.00<br>
08/13/09 Summer Session 2 Tuition 692.00
08/13/09 Sum Ses Waive-Spec Programs 50.00<br>
08/13/09 Sum Ses Waive-Spec Programs 50.00<br>
08/13/09 Sum Ses Waive-Spec Programs 692.00<br>
08/13/09 Sum Ses Waive-Spec Programs 38.25<br>
08/13/09 Sum Ses Waive-Spec Programs 46.00<br>
08/13/09 Sum Ses Waive-Spec Programs 59.23<br>
08/13/09 Summer Session 2 Tuition 692.00
08/13/09 Summer Session Late Reg Fee 50.00
08/13/09 Summer Sess 2 Late Enrollment 50.00
08/13/09 Sum Ses University Center Fee 38.25
08/13/09 Sum Ses Recreation Facil Fee 46.00
08/13/09 SUM SESS ICA ACTIVITY FEE 59.23</p>
<p>So rather than split the room/board charges evenly accorss three quarters, the costs are deliberately front loaded to take the prepayment into account. DId I get that right?</p>
<p>@blackberry: yeah … so youre RH TPL QTRLY Install+Dining Fee is 3,461.00 and if you subtract $650 from it it goes down to $2811… in other words the RH TPL QTRLY Install+Dining Fee is only billed to you as $2811, NOT $3461 even though it says that</p>
<p>…not worried about being ripped off, just trying to figure out what next quarter’s bill will really be. It’s hard to count on the assertion that it will be less without understanding how.</p>