Female hair tips?

<p>Does anybody have advice on controlling your hair throughout plebe summer? My hair is extremely curly and frizzy, I'm not so worried about appearances as I am about keeping it out of my face. Thanks! :)</p>

<p>I’m sure that you know that they cut it to whatever length it is for a lady. That said When your outside you will have a cover (dixi cup or ball cap) that goes along with the uniform of the day. In the end your hair will not be in your face, I’m confident they will make sure that does not happen.</p>

<p>They cut it to the edge of your shirt collar, and two clips (I beleive that’s the number) are authorized to keep your hair up; Pony tail holders are allowed for PT (once it gets long enough again during the academic year to put up).</p>

<p>I’m a rising firstie now and I have crazy curly frizzy hair as well. At my hair cut during I day, the barber pinned up my hair with two jumbo barrets. I used them every single day during plebe summer and they were perfect for pinning my hair back. You could also bring some products with you in a duffle bag.</p>