<p>just returned droping 08 son off.
football game was great and we won ..the 09 walked in together..a thousand kids with most wearing dartmout o9 shirts..it was a sunny and too hot that afternoon..sunday and monday had slight fallish feel..</p>
<p>aj restaurant in white river near the hotels..everyone said prime rib was great and they were
right!!..a dress down place looks western style with a little salad bar ..it gets busy they say and no reservatins so they said be early and we went when it opens at 5 pm</p>
<p>murphys also had a good meal in town</p>
<p>the holiday inn express was also fantastic..new 1 year old..we had a 4th floor an it had a gabled roof with skylight ..very roomy and clean!! it is just by comfort suites..</p>
<p>a great store for winter huberts(huperts?)...in lebanon..everything for winter ski pants,shirts gloves etc..and cheap!!..go down main street as u go to the wlamart kmart etc,,but at the split go straight not to the right..and it will be on the left hand side ..an old shopping center with a dollar store etc</p>
<p>transportation..if you have any timing problems with busses to and from airports remember UPPER VALLEY SEDAN SERVICE...as usual eric was great..he knows hanover and surrounding area inside out and parents he will
personally take care of any transportation problems your student has
see web site</p>
<p>the badly needed new dorms are coming along with 2 new residential complexes whcih should be ready next fall..this along with the new math
buliding and engineering bulding will not just make dartmouth beautiful again but functionally an A+</p>
<p>the book store as alot more thant books..go deep in it and up a few flights
and they have great stuff for the dorm and not really expensive..didnt realize
they had so much and many things couldnt find at kmart/walmart were there</p>