FF Notification

<p>Anyone know when we will be notified as to whether or not we're semifinalists?</p>

<p>The website says the end of January…has anyone been contacted?</p>

<p>they said the notifications were mailed on monday and tuesday of this week… so soon!</p>

<p>miltonmom, did you call UGA? I was going to call this afternoon if we didn’t get anything in today’s mail.</p>

<p>just called - they said some were mailed as early as monday, as late as yesterday! and that everyone would be notified</p>

<p>Has anyone received notification?</p>

<p>I received notification… negative.</p>

<p>I was offered the ‘charter scholarship’ as a consolation prize though. 1000/year, so not too shabby :)</p>

<p>I was offered a charter scholarship as well…</p>


<p>This year was probably the most competitive ever for the Fellowship. Applications went up to around 1200 and fewer students were offered an interview due to the bad economy affecting endowments. In this climate, getting a charter ain’t bad at all. Good luck and I hope you guys look at UGA anyways, the Honors Program is a great experience if you’re up for it. </p>

<p>Also: Look into applying the CURO Research Apprentice program if you do decide to go to UGA. It’s not the Fellowship, but the benefits you get from it are just as valuable if you have any intention of doing undergraduate research.</p>

<p>Did you receive an email or just a letter?</p>

<p>Just a letter.</p>

<p>My son got a letter today. He wasn’t a finalist for FF, but got the Charter, plus a half-waiver of OOS tuition. (Does anyone know if all Charter finalists got only half-waivers this year, or were there also some full tuition waivers? I know in the past they’ve given both, but I was wondering if this year, with the economy so bad, they might have given only the half-waivers.) Disappointing, but the numbers on Foundation Fellows were stunning – the letter said 50 finalists out of about 1,100 applicants. Before you yank out your calculator, I’ve already done the math – that’s 4.5% of applicants, which means probably something less than 2.5% of applicants will get the FF.</p>

<p>My letter came in today. Didn’t get an invite, but did receive a Woodruff Scholarship as a consolation prize. 2k per year, so not bad.</p>