<p>Anybody have experience with the Freshmen Interest Groups (FIGS) or the First Year Experience (FYE) programs at FSU? Do you recommend one or both of these? Thanks!</p>
<p>This is the first I've heard of them. I have a junior at FSU and a freshman entering in August. The freshman got a FIG card recently.</p>
<p>I don't recall getting these with our older daughter, who entered in 2004.</p>
<p>some of my friends took them...they said it was a waste of time. i wasnt interested in them either.</p>
<p>It seems the FIGS group classes together so you can meet other students with similar academic interests and supposedly make scheduling easier. I guess you are saying the colloquim classes are a waste of time for 1 credit pass/fail. These sound similar to what the Bryan Hall dorm offers in its living/learning community.</p>
<p>My freshman is to enter a dorm for certain academic interests. She's very happy with that aspect. </p>
<p><em>sigh</em> soon we'll be empty-nesters. Now where do we put that hot-tub? </p>
<p>; ^ ></p>