<p>Hi Everyone,
I need some help with figuring out what my options are:
First a little History. I played Violin in 7th and 8th grade, then when I arrived at the high school's Orchestra I switched to Viola for a year, and again a year later I switched, for the final time to the Cello. I played Cello for the rest of my time there, played in the District Honour Orchestra (that is the only thing I have done other than school Orchestra), and was offered the first chair a few times. </p>
<p>At the end of High school I originally wanted to become a Physics Major, and as such neglected playing for a year (Do not let your kids do that, well, they're not my kids so I will be quiet, but really). A year into my community college adventure and I realized what little fun I was having with the science major, the massive amounts of fun playing music was, and smacked myself in the head for not coming to this conclusion faster.</p>
<p>So at the beginning of this school year I switched majors, picked up my lovely cello, and much to my chagrine I found out that my cc has no classical music program, the only way I would be able to play would be to join one of the cities youth groups, which I am happy to do. But as the last year moved on I became quite rusty. So I am in the midst of getting myself back to an acceptable level through study under a teacher and nothing much else, I feel I am not ready to rejoin the playing world yet, though in a few months I definetly will be.</p>
<p>Here is the current situation,
Recently, my father has had me looking at school's to transfer to for music study, performance I should say, the problem is that I have no clue on where to get started, what to look for, etc.
I have read most of that stickied thread about what to look for with mostly the Teacher being the deciding factor, then location, other students and the like. But what else should I do, every place I have looked at state that they are the "best," which means some one is lying. I think that I will be playing comfortably in a year or so, much sooner if I can find someone to play with, the mirror does get boring.</p>
<p>Any help will be greatly appreciated,
No really,
It will.</p>
<p>Thank you for reading this far, sorry if you read the half post, clumsy fingers make for sporatic posts.</p>