fill out financial aid forms for early action?

<p>i'm applying early action and am not sure if i need to do financial aid forms by the deadline of early action or if i can do them later! thanks for the help!</p>

<p>Check the FA website of the school. Typically, if you want an estimate with acceptance, you’ll need it by the EA deadline. If not, you can wait and submit later (especially because EA is not binding).</p>

<p>If the school has a priority deadline for financial aid for EA applicants, I would suggest you complete whatever is required by that deadline. Typically, this is the Profile or a school form, since the FAFSA won’t be available until January 1.</p>

<p>It depends upon the school if there is any provision for financial aid estimates for EA students. Usually, I don’t think there are, since EA accepted students have until May1 to make the decision, and they can get their Fin aid packages based on more accurate numbers at that time. No reason to do the process twice both on the part of the student and the school. </p>

<p>For ED, it’s a whole other story. ED accepted students are supposed to withdraw their other apps and commit to the school under the ED contract. So those who have finanical need, are given an estimated aid packaged based on best estimate financials, and if it is not doable for the student and family, they are permitted to turn down the ED acceptance. THere is a small window of time in which to do this. </p>

<p>But at many schools the fin aid packages for EA students who get in, are issued the same time as those who are accepted RD. That was the case for my one son who applied to a lot of EA schools. All but one or two schools gave both merit awards as well at the same time that they were given to RD accepted students. We did not qualify for fin aid, but kids who did and were in the same situation, accepted EA, did not get their awards till March or April. Not always the case; some schools willl do it sooner, but it is not unusual not to get these things until spring. Do check with the individual schools so that you are sure that everything is in order.</p>