Fin. aid question

<p>lets say that my family and i have to contribute $15k for the tuition and i got $15k in grants and $12k in fed loans and work study. (hypothetically of course). now, my school gives like $4k in scholarships every year and im hoping to get money from state grants etc. will that $4k and other scholarship decrease what we have to contribute or does that decrease my grants or fed loans and work study. </p>

<p>the answer maybe obvious, but i just want to make sure. thanks</p>

<p>as far as i kno, they decrease ur loans first and then tap into ur grants.</p>

<p><strong>my own question</strong>
what do i need to do to finalize by financial aid? cuz i dont see any confirmation on accepting the loans and stuff on the Penn Online thing. what am i supposed to send? what do i have to fill out? is there anything else i need to do except click and press the things on the Penn Online site?</p>

<p>They used to reduce your fin aid package when you got scholarships, but they don't anymore I don't think. It basically penalized kids when they won scholarships, and scholarships should be rewards, so they changed it.</p>