Admission rescinded

<p>I'm currently in alot of stress over whether it is possible that U of wisconsin would rescind my admission based on my AP Statistics grade. Im in serious danger of getting a D+ in the class for second semester, and I can't beleive I'm saying this but I'd be happy with a C- in the class for the semester. By far the most frustrating part of my situation is that I got a B last semester without trying, but now I'm actually working really hard and my grade continues to plummet. I swear alot of it has to do with the teacher hating me (this isn't bs she makes it obvious she hates me). This is a problem because the grading in the recent units is so subjective, and i've felt the repercussions. I know much of the current grade situation is my fault, but it wasn't for lack of effort.</p>

<p>All of my grades in my other classes are great. An A and a B in my two other Ap classes, and an A and a B in my 2 other classes, which are both honors. </p>

<p>I was just wondering how often Wisconsin rescinds admissions, and whether this could be the case for me.</p>

<p>Also, would it be wise to mail the university ahead of time about my circumstances, and apologize for the grade?</p>

<p>I had a 4.0 going into my final semester, got all A’s and a D in AP calculus that semester. </p>

<p>I didn’t get a letter. That was a few years ago. Take it for what it’s worth. Work hard, get them up.</p>

<p>I think it’s rarely used and very much for really serious declines. Just wait and see what happens–and work/beg for a C. Nobody wants to hear how a teacher hates you.</p>

<p>One lousy course will not hurt you. Be sure you don’t give up. Know of a C in AP Chemistry where student disliked teacher- got a 5 on the AP exam, hence credits…</p>

<p>Also know where an AP teacher broke her own rule about late assignments- would have given an F first semester in a course needed to graduate, instead she accepted the late paper and gave a C, could have had an A. Lesson hopefully learned.</p>

<p>Said student will get his UW degree. Not in either of the above majors.</p>

<p>This newsletter has a section on final grades.</p>

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