final year report

<p>do i have to send the colleges my final reports/grades after i get submitted? </p>

<p>Sent from my GT-S5570 using CC</p>

<p>Usually, yes. But only to the college where you plan to enroll.</p>

<p>When you’re accepted, the acceptance will be contingent on your continuing in your current academic program, and completing it with approximately the same level of achievement as you showed when you applied. The way you show them that you did graduate, and you did have approximately the same level of achievement, is by sending your final transcript.</p>

<p>There will be more information in the acceptance letter you receive from each college or university.</p>

<p>Most all high schools have the process where they ask all seniors for the name of the college to which they are going. The final transcripts which will also indicate that you have graduated will be sent to the college of your choice. That is something that most guidance departments have well in hand.</p>