Finally scheduled a visit, 2/23

<p>After reading thru the forum for years and posting a question every now and then, we’ve finally scheduled a tour for my D (HS Class of 2013) for Feb 23. </p>

<p>Now that it’s scheduled…what’s next?</p>

<p>My D is NOT NMF (missed by a few points) but is hoping to get a 32 on ACT to get full tuition. She got 30 in December (E-35, M-32, R-29, S-24) and is going to keep taking it until she gets the 32. Her unweighted GPA is 4.0 and she has 3 APs this junior year and will have 3-4 senior year. She has many honors/ECs including NHS/Beta Club officer, dance team 3 years, band 2 years. </p>

<p>Her intended major is musical theatre, which we know is very limited as admission is only about 8-10 a year and by audition only. We hope she can meet with Mr. Crystal though to understand what they are looking for in the audition. She’s been in community theatre since 5th grade, most recent school roles include Audrey in Little Shop of Horrors and Marcy Park in Spelling Bee. She been dancing for 13 years.</p>

<p>I saw that I should contact Allison Verhine in Honors, but we honestly don’t know which honors program would be the better fit for her and musical theatre. Do we need to read up on that before I contact Allison? Any advice on this? Anyone know if a theatre student, particularly musical theatre student, can do honors at the same time?</p>

<p>I also saw on one thread and can’t find it now that mom2k said that high stats kids who apply early sometimes get bonus scholarships? REALLY??? That would be great!</p>

<p>Anyway, I would appreciate ANY advice y’all can offer. (BTW, most of our friends here in Louisiana think it’s an act of heresy to even consider Alabama! But LSU doesn’t offer MT and they don’t give as much merit aid as Alabama! And my D wants to broaden her horizons and not go where most of her current high school friends past and present are going!)</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Hi there!
Allison is really great and will help you in any way she can. I wouldn’t hesitate to call her before you make up your mind on honors programs. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Janine Gascoigne</p>

<p>Congrats on your daughter’s great ACT scores. She can make the most improvement on her science portion of the score. Have her get an ACT prep book and work on getting to be very fast at taking the science section. It really just tests your very quick reading ability. Good luck on that front.</p>

<p>Your D can join just the honors college. Need a 3.3 GPA. Being in the Honors College allows you to choose honors housing. You can read about the various honors programs online. </p>

<p>Contact Allison and ask to meet with the Musical Theatre folks.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Oh, thats the same day Im going! Hope I see you guys there!</p>

<p>In addition to the 10 am tour, I also scheduled the 11:30 Information Session with admissions. Would we be better served cancelling that and meeting with honors then?</p>

<p>What do y’all recommend?</p>

<p>Welcome (and please post in our State Roll Call thread. :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>I wouldn’t do the info session…all the info can be had here. Let Allison use that time for meetings and such.</p>

<p>*but is hoping to get a 32 on ACT to get full tuition. She got 30 in December (E-35, M-32, R-29, S-24) and is going to keep taking it until she gets the 32. *</p>

<p>Have your D sign up for the SAT as well… It’s sometimes easier to get the 1400 M+CR SAT …especially since it doesn’t have the Science Reasoning session.</p>

<p>Since your D is strong in the other areas, she’ll likely get the 1400. Plus, those tests are on different weekends than the ACT, so no conflict.</p>

<p>*I saw that I should contact Allison Verhine in Honors, but we honestly don’t know which honors program would be the better fit for her and musical theatre. Do we need to read up on that before I contact Allison? *</p>

<p>Don’t worry about that now. Your D may find that only the basic UHP is fine for her and that’s totally ok…you still get all the honors benefits.</p>

<p>I defer to M2CK as the authority on all matters related to UA Honors (she is the sole reason my son is beginning in UA Honors this fall) but I would think you should try to meet with folks from the honors program while you are on campus.</p>