Getting ready to apply in July - few questions

<p>My D is a rising senior and we are set to begin the application process to Alabama for her to begin Fall 2013. She has a busy senior year so we are hoping to get started on the process during the summer. I will get official copies of her transcripts from her high school today (doing it before staff leaves for summer).</p>

<p>D is a high stats kid (ACT=35, GPA 4.0 UW, 3 APs this year, 5 or 6 next year), definitely wants to be part of Honors College. But we know she’s not NMF because her scores were 10 points below last year’s cutoff for LA.</p>

<p>I understand that the admissions application goes live early July. And there are no essays for admissions necessary, but there is one for general Honors albeit just a personal statement, correct? Does the honors application require you to list high school rank? </p>

<p>I just learned that her official transcript will not list it and counselor will only state rank in a LoR in percentages. (Based on awards day summa cum laude students with highest averages, D is top 5% but her school doesn’t give extra points for AP classes… EEERRRRRR! Most of the group of summas haven’t had nearly the rigorous schedule my D has had over the past 3 years. Only 4 of the 22 summas took 3 APs this year; many none at all! Can you say frustrating???)</p>

<p>When will Bama announce scholarship changes (if any)? I am praying that all stays the same so D gets full tuition.</p>

<p>A few days after submitting admissions app, D gets email with ID and mybama link to do honors app, correct? Looks like UFE has a separate app and deadline is mid-December. What about CBH? I didn’t see specific app nor deadline mentioned on their webpage. </p>

<p>And scholarship app isn’t due until Dec 1. Does this app cover any extra scholarships like alumni and departmental?? </p>

<p>D will audition for musical theatre and dance programs, hoping and praying she gets in one. She wants to double major in either one of those and Exercise Science, eventually going for a DPT - physical therapy. But won’t know results of auditions until after December deadline. What should she put for major???</p>

<p>We realize she will probably be at UA more than 4 years to do this, but we do hope she has a lot of AP credits when she starts.</p>

<p>I have learned so much from all of you after checking out these boards for several years. I can’t believe it’s now time for her to apply. Any advice would be most appreciated!!</p>

<p>Bama has already announced that merit scholarships will remain the same.</p>

<p>*A few days after submitting admissions app, D gets email with ID and mybama link to do honors app, correct? *</p>

<p>No. At that point, she can do the scholarship app.</p>

<p>Your D can’t apply to the HC until she’s accepted. Her rank won’t matter at all. And, many schools don’t rank anyway…especially privates, Catholics, etc.</p>

<p>UFE and CBH can be applied to after acceptance to HC. CBH app is due around Jan 5th, but the earlier the app, the better.</p>

<p>Since your D has an ACT 35, she may get a bonus scholarship…so apply early! To help with that, her primary major might need to be in the College of Arts and Sciences. </p>

<p>yes, the scholarship app works for everything.</p>

<p>THANK YOU MOM!!!</p>

<p>So glad to know that merit scholarships aren’t changing!! Woo hoo…</p>

<p>And good to know about listing major from Arts & Sciences for the bonus scholarship. I guess we’ll just put Theatre or Dance.</p>

<p>So yes, she will definitely apply for admissions early like July. HC app may have to wait until August/Sept for LoRs from teachers/counselors, and to include summer activities and fall club elections.</p>


<p>Apps to the HC don’t use LORs. </p>

<p>Your D can apply to the HC without listing honors and clubs. They won’t matter for HC admittance…Admittance is strictly by stats. </p>

<p>Later when she applies to UFE and CBH, she can list her awards, ECs, etc. </p>


<p>“I understand that the admissions application goes live early July. And there are no essays for admissions necessary, but there is one for general Honors albeit just a personal statement, correct? “</p>

<p>The essay for the Honors application is a very brief personal essay. </p>

<p>“Does the honors application require you to list high school rank?”</p>

<p>I can’t remember which application, but one of them did ask for class rank for last year’s incoming freshmen. Of course, that could have changed.</p>

<p>“When will Bama announce scholarship changes (if any)? I am praying that all stays the same so D gets full tuition.”</p>

<p>According to M2cK, the scholarship requirements will remain the same for incoming freshmen 2013. She said she contacted the scholarship office earlier. Here is the link:</p>

<p>[Out-of-State</a> Scholarships - Undergraduate Scholarships - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Out-of-State”></p>

<p>“A few days after submitting admissions app, D gets email with ID and mybama link to do honors app, correct?”</p>

<p>It could be as late as mid August before she hears anything on her acceptance, so don’t panic. It takes a little while to get up and running. Last year my D was notified around the first week of August.</p>

<p>“Looks like UFE has a separate app and deadline is mid-December. What about CBH?”</p>

<p>She’ll receive more information about this later.</p>

<p>Here are some links with information:</p>

<p>[Honors</a> College - Prospective Students](<a href=“]Honors”></p>

<p>[Honors</a> College - Prospective Students](<a href=“]Honors”></p>

<p>“And scholarship app isn’t due until Dec 1. Does this app cover any extra scholarships like alumni and departmental??”</p>

<p>Yes, departmental and other scholarships are covered by this one application. While there is no benefit to doing this super early, don’t wait until Dec. 1 to submit it……shoot for mid November. Pay any and all deposits early for the best chance at receiving the housing she prefers.</p>

<p>Welcome, and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>OOPS! It took me a few minutes to compose this, sorry for the cross post with M2CK!:)</p>

<p>I’m just throwing this out there early, but I highly suggest if your daughter is in the school of arts and sciences that she apply for the Blount Undergraduate Initiative as well. With her stats, she looks pretty likely to get it. I’ve had an amazing experience with it so far, and I haven’t even started school yet.</p>

<p>Great info! I was thinking the other day about how to pose these questions myself… I am finding that if I just hang out, every possibile question I have will be asked and answered … though I may be gtting ahead of myself since our visit is still 3 weeks away.</p>

<p>Wow, it is coming close to that time of the year again…best advice is to apply early and keep checking the emails on Mybama once you get a login id, so you don’t miss important information.</p>

<p>Great Stats, Good Luck!!</p>

App live online Aug 1
Acceptance received via snail mail Aug 27</p>

<p>Housing registration: Oct 1
must have paid your enrollment deposit</p>

<p>LOR deadline for UFE: Dec 14
app deadline a little later, can’t remember exact date</p>

<p>Scholarship deadline: March 1 BUT DON’T wait until then. Aim for December.</p>



<p>Just to be clear, the March 1 deadline for scholarship applications applies to incoming transfer undergrads. If you are an entering freshman, the deadline is December 1. Don’t blow it!!</p>



<p>Source: [FAQ</a> - Undergraduate Scholarships - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]FAQ”></p>

<p>yes, thank you.</p>

<p>You and your D are very fortunate, I want to apply ASAP; but my school is not sending transcripts out until late August when we get back into school. So I am unable to apply until then, Good luck!</p>


<p>You can go ahead and get your app in and your scholarship app, send scores in July, and then when the school sends transcripts, you’ll be good to go.</p>

<p>So they will just hold onto my apps until they receive my transcript?</p>

<p>M2ck: For “apply early”, you mean complete the scholarship app early? Is September considered early?? </p>

<p>We were planning to wait for officer elections for NHS/Beta before filling out scholarship app. D was officer for past two years and is hoping for P or VP next year. She is also hoping to be officer of a new club that is forming next year.</p>

<p>Can scholarship app be updated with new info or once it’s been submitted is that it???</p>

<p>Again, many thanks to everyone!</p>