Finals Stress?

<p>Anyone else’s kid stressing over their first college finals?</p>

<p>Not here fortunately. Five courses and 2 finals. Finished by next Saturday!</p>

<p>Mine is a sophomore so she has done this before. I still haven’t exactly figured out when she is done but she is coming home next friday. She was busy all weekend writing papers which were the finals for at least 2 of her 5 classes. Some stress but not too bad. I am not sure she would agree.

<p>My son finishes on Friday and is coming home on Saturday.
He is relieved he does not have to take the final in Calc 221 but has finals in 3 other classes, and one paper due at the time of the final exam.
My kid who never stresses about anything is majorly stressing…a new sensation for him , and he sure doesn’t know how to deal with it! He can’t get his head around the notion of an exam being 3 or 4 hours long, he can’t imagine knowing enough, etc.</p>

<p>Good luck to all of our kids on their finals and papers.</p>

<p>D finished today, yay. Home Saturday. :-)</p>

<p>Our D is in the air, I leave for the airport in about a half hour to go pick her up. Her last final was this morning.