
<p>Ughh... finals are stressing me out. And yet I still procrastinate by browsing the internet and doing nothing productive...</p>

<p>same here pal.</p>

<p>I just finished a 7 page 10 font MLA format essay for history (so proud of myself).</p>

<p>Now, I can finally study. This week doesn’t look too good.</p>

<p>Uhg. I start with Bio tommorow. I’ve missed a lot, so I’m behind. I’m going to get my butt kicked.</p>

<p>i dont have finals for a another few weeks and im already stressed.</p>

<p>Finals all this week. They suck!</p>

<p>^Pretty much.</p>

<p>:) I have the grades to be exempt from 3 out of 4 finals. :)</p>

<p>i wish you could be exempt at my school…</p>

<p>my school decided not to do finals this year :slight_smile:
(just for seniors)</p>

<p>My school also gives out exemption passes for students who scored over 2000 on their SATs.</p>

<p>@_@ Wish I scored 2000!!!</p>

<p>The only exemption I got at my school was from SexEd cause my jokes would be a hindrance to my classmates</p>

<p>wow i wish there was a way to be exempt from finals at my school</p>

<p>My finals are next week…gl guys.</p>

<p>I wish we could be exempt, but alas, my school officials seem to hate the students.</p>

<p>I just woke up from an unintentional 3 hours nap… -_-</p>

<p>I was wondering why it was dark out at 10 pm.</p>

<p>Finals this week too. Pretty annoying how our schools do it after christmas break so that you’ll forget everything from before.</p>

<p>Just took my Bio one today. Us Hist. and English tomorrow. :(</p>

<p>Thank God we had our finals before break.</p>

<p>i just found out i have them in 2 moooo weekz!</p>