Finance and Business Administration?

<p>I am currently a finance major, but can easily graduate with a business admin degree also by taking only 3 more classes. </p>

<p>*To get the bus admin degree, you choose 3 areas of interest (mine are finance, insurance, & real estate) & take 2 classes at the 300-400 level in each of these areas.</p>

<p>I previously talked to my finance advisor about this and he said it wasn't really worth it. However, when I talked to the Pre-business advisor, she indicated that it looks good on a resume.</p>

<p>I am interested in these areas so taking these classes wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. However, I am wondering whether or not it is worth it. Will this be beneficial to me at all in the long run? What exactly can you do with a bus admin degree?</p>

<p>What’s your career goal? Are you at a top business program, average?</p>

<p>I’m not exactly sure of my career goals. I think financial planning sounds interesting. Helping people set up plans to fund their child’s education, helping with loans, mortgages, that sort of thing interests me.</p>

<p>I attend Indiana State University so I’d say it isn’t one of the best, but I’m not really sure on this.</p>