<p>So for financial aid, you are supposed to give the school your account number so they can put the aid into your account...I'm quite confused. </p>
<p>-So what type of Bank Account is recommended? Like checking, etc?
-And how and where do we give the school our bank account number? Is it on our portal? I can't really find anything
-And once the money is in our bank accounts, how do we pay the bills? Is it automatic and the school just takes out the money?</p>
<p>Oh so I actually found the answers myself LOL. I’ll just post the info in case anyone else is wondering. </p>
<p>So It is on our portal. You just click Accounts and Billing and then a bunch of things pop down and you click “sign up for Direct Deposit”. And there you can enter your routing number, account number, and account type (either Checking or savings). Enter all of that in and then click Save!
<p>Though i’m still unsure on how the bills are paid w/ financial aid. Does the school just take it out themselves, idk D:</p>
<p>Good job, direct deposit is way easier than having a check mailed to you. (:</p>
<p>For billing, unfortunately the dates for dispersing aid are usually AFTER bills are due. So what you’ll have to do is look at the charge on your portal then take the difference of that and your financial aid for the quarter. In your portal, there’s a payment estimator that’s useful for this sort of thing (though I like to calculate by hand). You just have to put in the quarter price for your room and meal plan (on the housing website) and whether you have USHIP, CruzCare, or your own insurance. And they will factor your financial aid into it as well. So you will pay the amount that your aid will not cover, and you will have no penalty if the balance is even after the aid goes through. I don’t know what happens if you underpay. I calculated wrong by $10, but they took it off that quarter and put it on the next bill. If you overpay, the extra money will go into your bank account.</p>
<p>I hope that wasn’t too confusing. Even after going through it, it’s still confusing to me, actually… ^^;</p>