Financial Aid Error

<p>Hey, when I checked my application status today for the financial aid information, I clicked the hyperlink and it said “Invalid Aid Year”. I thought that I entered the correct aid year. I just put in my deposit last night, so I don’t know if anyone else got the same thing or not. </p>

<p>Any feedback?</p>

<p>I got the same message. They are probably still putting all the aid awards up</p>

<p>On HokieSpa, they took off the option to look at the 2011-2012 Aid Year on the FA page…so that’s probably why there’s an error trying to get to that page.</p>

<p>Hey Guys,</p>

<p>I got an email back from FinAid, your assumptions are right. They said to continue to check within the next couple days. I am so excited about next year :D.</p>

<p>My sons FA is now available. Those may waiting may want to check.</p>

<p>Ours up too. No surprises for us. But, son choose u of Michigan … Good luck to all.</p>

<p>^ Congratulations for making it to ‘the other side’!! Michigan is one of the few schools my son would have loved to have applied to that he passed on. Just an amazing program!! Based on their lousy OOS FA and/or merit aid he didn’t apply. Best of luck to your son!</p>

<p>Blueiguana - I hear you… your right about Michigan… lousy is an understatement. We were given packages from other schools like BC at 34,000 and University of Richmond 45,000 a year and Michigan 13,000. My son is very lucky… without the help of grandparents Michigan would not have been a choice… I was hoping when he went to Vtech to visit he would just fall in love and bypass michigan… he liked Vtech… but he still wanted Michigan… ugh… At least a decision is finally made… can’t look back… Good luck to yours…</p>

<p>Didn’t get any grants :/. I don’t know if I can afford VT OOS. I got $5,500 in loans.</p>

<p>Same here - $5500 in loans. I will probably have to cross VT off my list.</p>

<p>ashley41: That sucks :(, do you have any other options?</p>

<p>My EFC went up by 5000 this year alone, because took out her 401k due to a change in ownership. She didn’t think it would affect it that much. I am sending them a hardship letter, because that isn’t my real EFC. I don’t know if anyone has gotten results from it, but it is worth a try. I want to go to VT, but I can’t pay $34,000 a year.</p>

<p>Artek1993 - I do have other options, Penn State which is in state for me, and University of Delaware for Chemical Engineering. Delaware gave me enough aid that it will cost the same as Penn State. Virginia Tech is my favorite though, loved the whole feel of the campus (not to mention the food rocks!). My mom cashed out an old 401k last year for some much needed home improvements (had a foot of water in our basement, the 401k $$ went to fixing that whole mess), so it is not our true EFC either. I never thought about challenging it, but I think I will send a letter as well. Good Luck and let us know how it works out.</p>

<p>What are your other options?</p>

<p>ashley41 - That’s good that you have some other options, but I totally agree with your opinion of Virginia Tech. I love the food, the mountains, the location (4 hour drive from my home), and they have one of the best architecture programs in the country. However with our parent’s decision about 401k, we are in the same boat. Hopefully, I can talk to someone this weekend at Hokie Focus. I have already been, but I wanted to look again and check on financials. Are you going to Hokie Focus?</p>

<p>I have a nice array of options to be honest. University of Texas Austin (WAY TOO EXPENSIVE), Clemson University (In-state, not a bad program but it’s the 13th grade), Georgia Tech (my second choice, because I get in-state there as well.), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (VERY EXPENSIVE), and CalPoly San Luis Obispo (about the same money wise, however 3,000 miles away). So clearly Virginia Tech is my favorite school.</p>

<p>artek- You have some amazing options and I’m sure you will be happy wherever you end up.</p>

<p>I was registered for Hokie Focus, and then decided to go back last Sunday for the Engineering Open House on Monday instead. I wanted another chance to see the Ware Lab and speak to department heads, professors, etc. The weather was beautiful both days. The students where out on the drill field playing every sport/game imaginable, girls where lying out on blankets in the quad, people playing vollleyball in the quads - it was just amazing. It really solidified the fact that VT was where I want to be, and then I received the lousy financial aid package on Wedsnesday, and my heart sank. </p>

<p>Good luck to you this weekend, hopefully they will reconsider your financial aid.</p>

<p>ashley41- Thanks for the positive words of encouragement.</p>

<p>I talked to a very nice financial aid counselor and they are going to do my reconsideration appeal, which is good news. I think that everyone should have the opportunity to go to this great school, so call the financial aid office and do the appeal. My heart sank when I saw $38,700 estimated, but after talking to them, my heart sprang again for Virginia Tech as I was informed that they high-ball their estimates and it is really about $31,000. I would really suggest talking to them, it makes you feel better :).</p>

<p>I hope you can join me in the Class of 2015 at Virginia Tech :).</p>

<p>Waited way toooo long on VT financial aid paper work. Haven’t looked on line lately .Can’t believe they are that far behind the other colleges.D visited Lafayette College in PA and loved it. With a full tuition offer on the table and an amazing campus and engineering program she jumped on it. Decision is made! She is so happy. I enjoyed sharing information with many of you and wish you all the best at VT or where ever.</p>

<p>i’m a out of state student. I really want to attend VT. But I don’t get much for financial aid.
Any advices?</p>

<p>seattle: Just call them and explain why you believe you deserve more financial aid from Virginia Tech. I don’t know your financial situation, but if you have an EFC of 30,000 or so then they would tell you that an appeal probably won’t do anything for you. Otherwise, it is worth a shot.</p>