Financial Aid....FAFSA

<p>I applied for fafsa and I was wondering how long it takes for that to be processed. I mean it says processed already and my efc is 0 because I'm doing the application with my parents on it. My father was injured last year and didn't make a lot for 2007.Together it's around 27000 for the whole year and it's a family of 5 with me. I didn't make enough to file taxes last year. Anyway I got the BOG waiver and I was accepted for that.So do you think there might be a reason I don't get it.I'm taking 11 units almost full time and I'm a freshman.Any tips or answers would help out a lot thank you.</p>

<p>You cannot apply through FAFSA yet. The apps are not ready for 2009-10 school year yet. They are ready 1/1/2009. You need 2008 income and asset info.</p>

<p>at Mira Costa college they said I have to apply for fasfa for the spring session which starts on the 20th of January. they said to apply now so i could fa for the spring session then on January 1st I apply again for the summer session…just letting you know what financial aid told me.</p>

<p>As you are already a freshman are you applying for aid for next semester (spring)? If so the 2008-2009 FAFSA is the correct one for that. If you are applying for next fall then the 2009-2010 would be the one you want and, as cpt said, that is not available until January 1st. (I don’t know what BOG is).</p>

<p>Out of curiosity, if you are applying for spring, why did you not apply for this fall? Anyway with a 0 EFC you would qualify for full Pell but only if you are full time. The amount of Pell will be reduced if you are not full time. For *full *time students the following federal aid is available (2008-2009 school year). These are full year figures so would be 1/2 that for a semester. </p>

<p>Federal Student aid consists mainly of:
Grants (do not have to be repaid)
Pell:The maximum for 2008-2009 was $4731 (supposed to increase in 2009-2010). Is EFC based. For 2008-2009 it required an EFC between 0-4041. 0 EFC got the maximum grant then the amount of grant goes down as the EFC goes up, phasing out at 4042.
SEOG: Usually awarded to the neediest students. Schools set their own criteria. (unlike the Pell where if you qualify by EFC you get it). At my daughter’s school it requires a 0 EFC and early FAFSA submission. The maximum varies by school. (schools are given a limited amount of SEOG dollars to award so decide how to best allocate the money. Some students meeting the school’s criteria may not get it if funds are depleted). The max by federal rules is $4,000 but schools set their own max depending on how many students they may need to award it to. The max at my daughter’s school is $2,000.
ACG:Freshmen/Sophomores only. $750 freshman/$1300 Sophomore. Requires Pell eligibility and certain academic requirements - rigorous HS curriculum, certain HS GPA. Cannot have graduated HS before (I think) 2005.
SMART:3rd and 4th year students only. maximum = $4,000. Requires pell eligibility, certain majors, and a mimimum GPA.
TEACH:For teachers training to teach in certain needed subjects and requires a time commitment teaching in needy districts. If the time commitment is not met the grant reverts to an unsubsidized loan with interest dating back to the disbursment of the loan (ugh). I think there is a GPA requirement.</p>

PERKINS:Subsidized loan. Neediest students. $4,000 maximum. Limited funding. 5% interest rate. Govt pays the interest until after graduation or dropping below half time plus for a 9 month grace period. Some posters reported their schools not getting much Perkins funding this year.
STAFFORD:Combination of subsidized and/or unsubsidized. For a freshman the maximum is $5,500 of which a maximum may be subsidized if there is ‘need’. Subsidized 6% this year, dropping each year for the next several years, 6 month grace period. Unsubsidized 6.8%. Interest starts from day 1 but repayment of interest and principal may be deferred until after graduation - interest is capitalized.</p>

<p>WORK STUDY You get a job on campus (or certain off campus community jobs - my daughter works in a Govt lab) and are paid an hourly salary. The benefit of a WS job is that the earnings are not held against you by FAFSA the next year.</p>

<p>There are also parent loans (Plus loans). Some States have grant programs - usually for students staying in state. Schools that promise to meet full need may have their own grant money.</p>

<p> is an excellent source of information on the various federal aid programs.</p>

<p>Above are 2008-2009 figures. They may change for 2009-2010.</p>

<p>what if im enrolled in 11 units would i just get 3 quarters of what the max is if my efc is 0?</p>

<p>The annual amount for full time students for the Pell for 2008-2009 is $4731. For 3/4 time (which I think you would come under as you are less than full time but more than half time) it is $3541. For a semester it would be half that.</p>

<p>ACG you must be full time.</p>

<p>thanks for the help.So how long does it usually take if everything checks out usually?? like a month or less?</p>

<p>And BOG is the board of governors fee waiver for tuition. I got approved for that since I’m low income. So i was thinking if I qualify for that, I would most likely qualify for FAFSA.They paid for my semesters tuition $220. I only had to pay the health fee and the student center fee plus parking and books and whatnot but books are expensive…even when they are used.</p>

<p>Varies by school. My daughter’s school is very speedy. My son’s school is very slow. One thing to check - is there is a * next to your EFC (often happens with 0 EFC and 1/3 of all FAFSAs have it). If so you have been selected for verification and will have to provide additional documentation to your school. Check that and do it ASAP (at both my kids’ schools there forms online forms you can download) as nothing will proceed until you are verified. Check with your school to see what else, if anything, you need to do and do it promptly.</p>

<p>thanks swimcatsmom very much…and there isnt any * next to the zero on the confirmation page at the very end of the application so is that a good thing??</p>

<p>oh and the reason why I didn’t apply for last fall session is because I barely received my H.S. Diploma on the 9th of December…very late. I was supposed to graduate in '04 but I got into an accident that prevented me to finish school…So after I recovered, I went back to try to complete my diploma in '05 but just got side tracked with bills and this year I said, “I need to do this before I get any older”.</p>



<p>I’m not sure what you mean by “qualify for FAFSA”. The FAFSA is a financial application form that is submitted to colleges. It is primarily used to disperse federal aid, but some schools also use the information for limited institutional aid. The SCHOOL is who will award you money, if any…not FAFSA.</p>

<p>well what im trying to say is, that my family is low income and im not getting my hopes up too much…but hopefully there is a chance to receive some type of financial aid…on a personal opinion do you think a family of 5 making (gross 27000) be likely to get financial aid.I’m taking psych, english ,math= 11 units. so that would make me a 3/4 student.and how much do 3/4 get on average if you know…it would help me a lot.I’m working full time right now until I start school then my hours are going to be 15-25 a week.I didnt file last year. I’m living with my parents and thats there adjusted income im using to apply for for Financial aid.I just turned 22 in october and there going to help me out while I go to school.I pay rent to them but it’s not much but I do help out.</p>

<p>If your EFC is 0 you should get some financial aid. Financial need is calculated by deducting the EFC from the schools COA. The difference between the 2 is the need on which financial aid is based. With 0 you should qualify for the Pell (though reduced because you are not full time - 1 more hour would make you full time). Other than that it would probably be loans, depending on the school’s COA. You won’t qualify for the ACG and it is probably too late in the year for any SEOG funds.</p>

<p>Make sure you complete the 2009-2010 FAFSA as soon as possible after Jan 1st. Some funds, such as SEOG, are very limited so the earlier you do FAFSA the better chance you have (though it is dependent on what your school’s criteria is for the SEOG).</p>

<p>If you are not selected for verification (your school could still select you, even if you don’t have a * next to your name), you will probably be packaged with an aid award relatively quickly. With a 0 EFC and full time status (according to YOUR school’s rules; probably 12 or more credits), you will receive a full Pell (1/2 annual total). If you are eligible for ACG (based on the strict ACG rules), you will also receive that (1/2 annual total). The ACG may be reduced based on need, though. Take your cost of attendance for the semester (you can find this on the school’s financial aid website) and subtract your Pell grant. Then subtract your BOG waiver amount. This leaves your “need.” If it is less than $375, you will receive an ACG for the amount of your need. If it is more than $375, you’ll receive the full $375 ACG. If there is still need remaining, you will probably be offered loans - first subsidized ($3500 or your remaining need, whichever is lower). If need STILL remains after the $3500, you will be offered $2000 in unsubsidized loans or the remaining portion of your need, whichever is lower. </p>

<p>Feel free to pm me with more detailed info about your costs & situation if you want. I am a financial aid officer.</p>

<p>Note for swimcatsmom and others: For 2009-10, the ACG and SMART grants will be available if the student is at least half time. It will be prorated like the Pell.</p>

<p>You wrote that you are taking 11 credits. Does this include any remedial courses or other courses where you would receive no credit? How many class hours does this come out to? </p>

<p>Kel, if she has 11 credits and more than 12 class hours would she be considered full time</p>

<p>You should really consider checking your schedule. I agree with swimcat that perhaps adding anothe class (it could be a one credit elective). This would make your status full time and increase the amount of aid that you would receive.</p>

<p>to piggyback on swimcat’s post…
For example full pell for the full year is $4731 </p>

<p>for half the year your pell grant would be ~2185</p>

<p>3/4 of that award (it would be prorated because you have 11 credits ) would be ~1639</p>

<p>you would probably also be eilgible for 375 ACG. Adding one more credit could get increase your FA by ~$921 so please consider doing so.</p>

<p>all the best.</p>

<p>Schools set their own full time credit amounts. Check the school’s financial aid website for this info. No ACG this year with less than full time. Pell is pro rated - 3/4 if less than full but more than half time. Remember that it’s for half the year. If your school uses 2008-09 for summer semester & you take summer classes you will be eligible for the other half of your Pell for summer (assuming at least half time).</p>

<p>I just enrolled in "counseling 105 “transfer success” it’s a class I need to take if I plan on transferring out after 4 years. I received an email saying it’s mandatory for freshman their first year if I plan on transferring to a UC school. It’s one more unit that makes 12 now. I’m in introduction to psych, english, math, and of course counseling 105.</p>