Financial Aid for Early Decision

<p>Okay, so I applied ED to Brown and now I’m just about to have a heart attack (maybe even two. HECK. maybe even three).</p>

<p>What’s the deal with ED Financial Aid?
Can someone give me a predicted parent contribution if my parents earn about $130,000?</p>

<p>Is Brown going to kick me in the face with a bill that’s going to be my shadow until my last breath? I hope not.</p>

<p>What’s the deal w/ Brown’s aid? Less than other schools? Loans? Ect.?</p>

<p>There’s too much we don’t know. Do you have siblings in college or private school? How much do your parents have in assets (not including the house)? What’s your house worth and how much equity do they have? Do they own a second home? </p>

<p>I suggest you go to an online financial aid calculator, use the institutional method, and run the numbers. You should have done that BEFORE sending in your application. </p>

<p>Brown’s aid is very generous particularly for families earning less than $100,000. More than that – it depends. Most families earning $130,000 are considered affluent, and should have been saving money to pay for college – and can afford to take out some loans as well.</p>

<p>The time to ask these questions was BEFORE you applied Early Decision. Even then, this is not the place to get the answer you’re seeking. A bunch of strangers on the internet can not possibly guess what your family might be expected to pay. And, as the previous poster noted, the amount of your family’s Expected Financial Contribution (EFC) is based on much more than your family’s income, especially at schools using the CSS Profile.</p>

<p>You and your parents need to IMMEDIATELY go to [EFC</a> Calculator: How Much Money for College Will You Be Expected to Contribute?](<a href=“]EFC”> and enter your family’s information using the “CSS Profile/Institutional Methodology” formula. That will give you a rough estimate of what your family’s Estimated Financial Contribution is likely to be, but it won’t be exact. You and your parents might want to talk to Brown’s financial aid office directly if you have questions after you run the numbers.</p>

<p>I also would suggest that you go to Brown’s website and read their financial aid information carefully. Then, go to the website of EVERY college on your list (surely you are not betting the farm on an ED acceptance) and read through their policies. Do not rely on the “advice” of strangers. This is too important. It would also be a good idea to read through the information on the College board site above and [FinAid</a>! Financial Aid, College Scholarships and Student Loans](<a href=“”> to learn about how financial aid works. Good luck.</p>

<p>As fireandrain stated, I do believe that Ivies (Brown included) are relatively generous with need-based aid, by virtue of their well-established endowment.</p>

<p>Wait, you know that you should have already filled out the mad long “Profile” form by Nov. 1st if you wanted finaid?</p>

<p>i didn’t fill out the profile or ANYTHING for financial aid, and i appleid ed… does that mean i can’t get aid?
wow, i had no clue. this is bad</p>

<p>Oh crap… :S It says that “Important dates: Early Decision applicants- November 1 Profile deadline”</p>

<p>Here’s where I saw that:</p>

<p>[Brown</a> Admission: Important Dates](<a href=“Undergraduate Admission | Brown University”>Undergraduate Admission | Brown University)</p>

<p>this is really bad
“If you are applying for financial assistance, it is critical to meet all filing deadlines in order to ensure consideration for available funds.”
that’s from that site. oh no…</p>

<p>Hmm, my only advice is to go to the website of the actual “Profile” form (it’s through your collegeboard account) and try to see if you can still maybe fill it in late or something…
NOT TRYING TO FREAK YOU OUT… but I’d hurry :S Cause the form is really long and specific, I couldn’t answer the questions, I had to have my Dad do it for me…</p>

<p>ok, yea, i have mad essays to write by monday haha, so i’ll just have my dad fill it out today. does brown even give that much aid?
i know i won’t get a legit response, but do you think a ~$160,000 family income, with a daughter in her first year of med school, and a ~$600,000 house would get aid?</p>

<p>O.O! I didn’t know fin aid deadlines were so early! I really need to fill out those forms then . . . but it looks like only the PROFILE, not FAFSA, is Nov 1?</p>

<p>yea, just the profile is nov 1. fafsa is feb 1
this is pretty upsetting</p>

<p>haha smeagz, i’m in the exact same financial situation as yours…except i have a brother not a sister in med school…anyway, i’m sure you’d get some aid…although i’ve heard that brown is not very generous toward the upper-middle-class…w/e…i’ll just take loans, lol, the fact that my parents spent almost all of their savings on the down payment for the house should help though…right?</p>

<p>i did the CSS profile before nov 1, it was very easy to miss though…i would contact the admissions office if i were you.</p>

<p>****…Wait so if I applied ED and didn’t submit the CSS profile am I not going to get accepted or if I do get accepted, financial aid?</p>

<p>this won’t affect your admission
i’m hoping we can still get aid from rice though</p>

<p>I’m just going to explain to them that I need to submit it after the first of January because of income taxes and such which will drastically change how much FA I receive(one income family, less than 60k, ect.).</p>

<p>brown* not rice (i’m writing my rice essay right now lol)</p>

<p>And why the hell does it cost money to apply for financial aid? That’s quite the paradox…</p>

<p>Yeah, what if it’s a financial hardship just to pay for the PROFILE fee?</p>

<p>I was under the impression that the “Profile” is simply an estimate of how much aid you will get when you actually do FASFA later on in the process. Hopefully I wasn’t wrong.</p>