Financial aid for waitlisted students?

<p>If a student is accepted from the waitlist, do they receive the same financial aid package that they would have received if initially accepted? Or, would the student expect to receive less aid in grants and more in loans/work-study?</p>

<p>b-u-m-p please....</p>

<p>I believe you should expect to receive considerably most all schools, the bulk of finaid will be awarded to students admitted ED and RD. You would probably still be eligible for gov't funded loans, etc.,...but I wouldn't hope for much in the way of grants or merit aid from the school.</p>

<p>I would say that it depends upon the school and their financial aid policy. For the most part schools do set budgets for the amount of aid they will give out in the form of scholarships and grants. If a school is now choosing students from their wait list, it would be because they did not meet their yeild for students whom they orginally offered an admission because they are in the position to give the money because it essentially has not been used.</p>

<p>If you have an EFC of $40,000, it really may not matter whether you were acepted ED, EA, RD or wait list, you probably would not get need based aid or very little.</p>

<p>If you attend a school that gives,mostly loans and gaps in their financial aid, when you were accepted is probably also not going to matter much.</p>

<p>Schools with deep pockets (ivies, elite lac's) that meet 100% of your demonstrated need and is generous with grant aid are probably going to give you the same type of aid that you would have gotten before hand.</p>

<p>I think that the gray areas are going to be schools that are need-sensitive, need -aware and offer large merit $ because that money probably has been allocated out . But who is to say as there are student that turn down large merit at local schools for what they percieve to be more prestigious schools.</p>

<p>In the end, you will just have to wait, it out. make a deposit on a school so that you have a place to go in the fall.</p>

<p>You do need to check at the individual schools. What I have read and heard is that some schools do not have the resources to provide for their waitlisted students. Some do. It is a good idea to call the the financial aid offices at all of such schools and find out what the situation is. That way if your studentstudent has a favorite school where he can tell the adcom that he will absolutely go if accepted, he can do so with the knowledge that aid is forth coming.</p>

<p>Jamimom, if I understand you correctly, the Financial Aid office at the school-in-question will tell us whether they would offer the same type of aid as if the student were "admitted" versus "waitlisted?" Taking this a step further, would they tell us what they would have offered if she were admitted? We definitely would make a commitment to this school if we can afford it -- but of course, without knowing how much $$ they had in mind, we cannot make a decision.</p>

<p>If I understand you correctly, the Financial Aid office at the school-in-question might tell us whether they would offer the same type of aid as if the student were "admitted" versus "waitlisted?" Taking this a step further, would they tell us what they would have offered if she were admitted? We definitely would make a commitment to this school if we can afford it -- but of course, without knowing how much $$, we cannot make a commitment. Kid has $5K merit offer (no strings other than full-time student) at local state u -- and we are still waiting to hear on need-based aid. She'd love to go to the school at which she is waitlisted but is smart enough to appreciate the value of graduating with no debt at all....</p>

<p>They may not be that specific, Boxmaker. But there are schools that just have little or no aid for waitlisted kids. If that is the case, they may tell you this since when it comes to the waitlist, everyone is at the end of the process and there is no sense fooling around accepting someone who cannot come to the school. Doubt if they will be so precise at to tell you what she would have gotten.Doubt if she will get any merit aid as that goes to the first choice among the accepted. </p>

<p>You can also research what a typical aid package is for accepted students. If this is a need aware school, or a school that gaps by alot, then you may not be likely to get money off of the waitlist. In fact you may well be on the wait list for that reason. My friend's daughter was removed from a waitlist for a top boarding school when she removed the financial aid condition from her, and told the school that the family would pay full tuition. Now that is not a college, but I would think a similar situation could well occur with a need aware school. On the other hand, some of the less selective schools with a low yield may get a lot of kids who were offered money turn them down, freeing up some aid. In that case if your student wants to commit to come on the condition of some aid, and the school wants more bodies than it appears they are going to have, a deal just might be in the making. Do understand that any waitlist, or negotiation should not be counted upon. Your D should continue to plan on going where she is already accepted and where the family can afford to send her, but if there is a preferred school, it does not hurt to be forthright and let them know exactly what the situation is. Sometimes strange things do happen at the last minute.</p>

<p>You would recieve the leftovers.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info. The school is a highly selective LAC but one which is very sensitive about yield -- and known to be "stingy" with money, except for very desirable students. It may be that money is an issue. My daughter would bring a lot to the school but nothing in terms of stats.</p>

<p>if the school is not need blind as is known to be stingy, chances of them meeting waht your D already was offered is slim to none. Schools that use their money to attract their top choices will not be generous to those waitlisted. I have seen time and again that kids are taken in off the waitlist if they retract their financial aid app at schools where money counts in admissions.</p>