<p>hey guys, have you got your aid estimates/offers? are you happy with them?
i have and i'm really happy with mine, although it'll be finalized at the end only.
the aid they're given me is really grreat, especially considering i'm an international student.</p>
<p>by the way, how much aid is exactly 100% in US$?</p>
<p>Yeah, I’m realllllly happy with my aid offer. It’s amazing and should stay at about the same amount come February/March. Unfortunately, I have a little issue with my parents’ tax returns. Hopefully, I can get that fixed and Yale won’t hold it against me.</p>
<p>I’m not exactly sure how much 100% is… sorry!</p>
<p>I apparently didn’t have all the necessary documents turned in so I just faxed them over. I’m really anxious, because one of my friends also got $0 from Yale. I’m hoping that’s because her parents are gajillionaires and I just don’t know that.</p>
<p>It would suck to not be able to attend Yale because you have to fork over 50k a year (taking everything into consideration).</p>
<p>What is the likelihood that Yale’s peer schools would give me more aid than Yale?
I thought that undoubtedly Yale’s fin aid program was the best, but I read somewhere that cross-admits have had better fin aid luck at other schools. This has me worried.</p>
<p>eating food: Yeah, $0 sucks… I hope that’s not the reason you don’t come to Yale!! :(</p>
<p>I think when financial aid is the issue, applying to other schools and using their financial aid offers as leverage for Yale to give you more money is the best way to approach things (if Yale is indeed your number 1 school). Yale apparently doesn’t want money to be the reason why you don’t attend so make sure to let them know that another school gave you a better offer and you might just have to accept because of that.</p>
<p>Yeah I got zero dollars as well, but I’m appealing because while on paper I look like we can afford it, we’re spending a lot on medical care for my grandmother and a huge chunk on siblings to go to private school, etc, etc, I’d be happy if Yale could just drop me enough that with a summer job + my current private tuition + work study+say 10k more from my parents, I wouldnt have to take out loans. Which would require probably way more than Yale would give, so I guess I’ll be graduating with some chunky debt, but I think itll be work it. </p>
<p>last year i got a financial aid package that was the best out of all i received but i was still even able to lower it by about $5k. don’t give up! if you really want to go yale, which you should because it’s freaking awesome (no bias at all lol), then you should try to haggle them down a bit. even after the $6bn hit, they still have billions of dollars and financial aid is their number 1 priority.</p>
<p>The last of my CSS stuff was sent on the 12th (Collegeboard, I hatez j00), and I found out my package on the 19th. I was pretty shocked at how quickly they got back to me (AND how much money they gave me). Props to Yale Finaid. Y’all will probably get your things soon. :)</p>
<p>my award was disappointing but manageable (like several of the above). the only insulting part was the grant, under $2000. does anyone know what happens if your private scholarships pay off work study, student income & grant?</p>