<p>On my financial aid, I put down that I would be living on campus. Not so sure if I'm still going to stick with that plan now. So I'm wondering, do I have to report that I will no longer be living on campus on my financial aid? and will it change how much financial I'll be receiving?</p>
<p>As a transfer student, I want to go with the best housing to meet people but also have some space (I'd go nuts in a triple). How's it like in Residence Hall? and I've also been thinking about living at a student co-op. Can anyone tell me a little about Cloyne Court or Casa Zimbabwe?</p>
<p>I can’t tell you much about the financial aid situation, but after 1 year at Cal I can share my thoughts on the co ops/res hall. Cloyne and CZ are notoriously in the top ~5 most “partying” co ops, with cloyne been known especially for hard drug use (I believe a former resident is still in a coma from an overdose, others have died) - at least among the people I met, cloyne is synonymous for lots of drug use and CZ is basically a place to party. I lived in U3 triple and it was way too small. triples are a losing situation I’d say, but if you’re really worried about money they are more economical.
Hope that helps. GL</p>